This extension is focused to provide a set of modules of segmentation, registration and cardiac image analysis.
AD: This module allows the application of the anisotropic diffusion filter in cardiac images
FractalDimenson: This module allows the measuring of fractal dimension of myocardium edges (Box Counting) and fractal dimension of myocardium (Differencial Box Counting)
GeodesicActiveContour: This module allows the segmentation of myocardium in SPECT and MR images
HoughTransform: This module allows the detection of circular objects in images
QEntropy: This module allows the measuring the threshold of maximization of Tsallis Entroy (q-entropy)
SampleEntropy: This module allows the measuring the Sample Entropy of myocardium in SPECT and MR images
Strain: This module allows the detection of displacement fields of cardiac motion
Texture Features: This module allows the measuring of Haralick Descriptors of myocardium in SPECT and MR images
Tickness: This module allows the measuring of myocardial tickness in differents segments
Please, note that this code is under the following license
- Apache 2.0 - Read file: LICENSE