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Implement loading of binary recordings
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malfatti committed Aug 22, 2019
1 parent b0fda83 commit 98200a5
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161 changes: 161 additions & 0 deletions Python3/
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: malfatti
@date: 2019-07-27
Loads data recorded by Open Ephys in Binary format as numpy memmap.
DatLoad(Folder, Processor=None, Experiment=None, Recording=None, Unit='uV', ChannelMap=[])
Folder: str
Folder containing at least the subfolder 'experiment1'.
Processor: str or None, optional
Processor number to load, according to subsubsubfolders under
Folder>experimentX/recordingY/continuous . The number used is the one
after the processor name. For example, to load data from the folder
'Channel_Map-109_100.0' the value used should be '109'.
If not set, load all processors.
Experiment: int or None, optional
Experiment number to load, according to subfolders under Folder.
If not set, load all experiments.
Recording: int or None, optional
Recording number to load, according to subsubfolders under Folder>experimentX .
If not set, load all recordings.
Unit: str or None, optional
Unit to return the data, either 'uV' or 'mV' (case insensitive). In
both cases, return data in float32. Defaults to 'uV'.
If anything else, return data in int16.
ChannelMap: list, optional
If empty (default), load all channels.
If not empty, return only channels in ChannelMap, in the provided order.
Data: dict
Dictionary with data in the structure Data[Processor][Experiment][Recording].
Rate: dict
Dictionary with sampling rates in the structure Rate[Processor][Experiment].
import Binary
Folder = '/home/user/PathToData/2019-07-27_00-00-00'
Data, Rate = Binary.Load(Folder)
ChannelMap = [0,15,1,14]
Recording = 3
Data2, Rate2 = Binary.Load(Folder, Recording=Recording, ChannelMap=ChannelMap, Unit='Bits')
Data placed inside dictionaries is affected when passed to functions.
Therefore, if you do, for example:
FilteredData = MyFilterFunction(Data['100']['0']['0'], Rate['100']['0'], Frequencies)
the data in Data['100']['0']['0'] will be filtered! To avoid this behaviour, pass the
data with the .copy() method:
FilteredData = MyFilterFunction(Data['100']['0']['0'].copy(), Rate['100']['0'], Frequencies)
then the data in Data['100']['0']['0'] will remain unaltered.
import numpy as np
from ast import literal_eval
from glob import glob

def ApplyChannelMap(Data, ChannelMap):
print('Retrieving channels according to ChannelMap... ', end='')
for R, Rec in Data.items():
if Rec.shape[1] < len(ChannelMap) or max(ChannelMap) > Rec.shape[1]-1:
print('Not enough channels in data to apply channel map. Skipping...')

Data[R] = Data[R][:,ChannelMap]


def BitsToVolts(Data, ChInfo, Unit):
print('Converting to uV... ', end='')
Data = {R: Rec.astype('float32') for R, Rec in Data.items()}

if Unit.lower() == 'uv': U = 1
elif Unit.lower() == 'mv': U = 10**-3

for R in Data.keys():
for C in range(len(ChInfo)):
Data[R][:,C] = Data[R][:,C] * ChInfo[C]['bit_volts'] * U
if 'ADC' in ChInfo[C]['channel_name']: Data[R][:,C] *= 10**6


def Load(Folder, Processor=None, Experiment=None, Recording=None, Unit='uV', ChannelMap=[]):
Files = sorted(glob(Folder+'/**/*.dat', recursive=True))
InfoFiles = sorted(glob(Folder+'/*/*/structure.oebin'))

Data, Rate = {}, {}
for F,File in enumerate(Files):
Exp, Rec, _, Proc = File.split('/')[-5:-1]
Exp = str(int(Exp[10:])-1)
Rec = str(int(Rec[9:])-1)
Proc = Proc.split('.')[0].split('-')[-1]
if '_' in Proc: Proc = Proc.split('_')[0]

if Proc not in Data.keys(): Data[Proc], Rate[Proc] = {}, {}

if Experiment:
if int(Exp) != Experiment-1: continue

if Recording:
if int(Rec) != Recording-1: continue

if Processor:
if Proc != Processor: continue

print('Loading recording', int(Rec)+1, '...')
if Exp not in Data[Proc]: Data[Proc][Exp] = {}
Data[Proc][Exp][Rec] = np.memmap(File, dtype='int16')

Info = literal_eval(open(InfoFiles[F]).read())
ProcIndex = [Info['continuous'].index(_) for _ in Info['continuous']
if str(_['recorded_processor_id']) == Proc][0]

ChNo = Info['continuous'][ProcIndex]['num_channels']
if Data[Proc][Exp][Rec].shape[0]%ChNo:
print('Rec', Rec, 'is broken')

SamplesPerCh = Data[Proc][Exp][Rec].shape[0]//ChNo
Data[Proc][Exp][Rec] = Data[Proc][Exp][Rec].reshape((SamplesPerCh, ChNo))
Rate[Proc][Exp] = Info['continuous'][ProcIndex]['sample_rate']

for Proc in Data.keys():
for Exp in Data[Proc].keys():
if Unit.lower() in ['uv', 'mv']:
ChInfo = Info['continuous'][ProcIndex]['channels']
Data[Proc][Exp] = BitsToVolts(Data[Proc][Exp], ChInfo, Unit)

if ChannelMap: Data[Proc][Exp] = ApplyChannelMap(Data[Proc][Exp], ChannelMap)


return(Data, Rate)

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