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marius10p committed May 27, 2018
1 parent 26bcde3 commit e9a7934
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Showing 14 changed files with 834 additions and 28 deletions.
40 changes: 22 additions & 18 deletions mainLoop/learnAndSolve8.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
wPCA = extractPCfromSnippets(rez, 3);
wPCA = gpuArray(wPCA);

ops.wPCA = wPCA;
% wPCA = gpuArray(ops.wPCA(:,1:3));

wPCA(:,1) = - wPCA(:,1) * sign(wPCA(20,1));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,6 +40,7 @@

[iC, mask] = getClosestChannels(rez, sigmaMask, NchanNear);

% irounds = [1:nBatches nBatches:-1:1];
irounds = [1:nBatches nBatches:-1:1];
% irounds = [1:400 400:-1:1 1:400 400:-1:1 1:nBatches];
% niter = numel(irounds);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,6 +69,10 @@

Params(13) = 0;

p1 = .95; % decay of nsp estimate
p2 = 1 - p1;

fprintf('Time %3.0fs. Optimizing templates ...\n', toc)

fid = fopen(ops.fproc, 'r');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,23 +120,22 @@

% this needs to change
[UtU, maskU] = getMeUtU(iW, iC, mask, Nnearest, Nchan);

if flag_lastpass
% save the current parameters
Wall(:,:,:, k) = gather(W);
Uall(:,:,:,k) = gather(U);
muall(:,k) = gather(mu);

% pm = exp(-1./max(400, 100 * nsp));
% pm = exp(-1./(200 * nsp));
% pm = exp(-1./(200 * gpuArray.ones(1, Nfilt, 'single')));
% if ibatch<niter-nBatches
% pm = exp(-1./(200 * nsp));
% else
% % pm = exp(-1./max(400, 100 * nsp));
% pm = exp(-1/400) * gpuArray.ones(1, Nfilt, 'single');
% end

pm = exp(-1./max(400, 100 * nsp));

[st0, id0, x0, featW, dWU, drez, nsp0, ss0, featPC] = ...
mexMPnu7(Params, dataRAW, dWU, U, W, mu, iC-1, iW-1, UtU, iList-1, ...
wPCA, maskU, pm);

nsp = nsp * .95 + .05 * nsp0;
nsp = nsp * p1 + p2 * nsp0;

% \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Expand All @@ -149,10 +154,7 @@

% extract ALL features on the last pass
Params(13) = 2;

Wall = zeros(nt0, Nfilt, Nrank, nBatches, 'single');
Uall = zeros(Nchan, Nfilt,Nrank, nBatches, 'single');
muall = zeros(Nfilt, nBatches, 'single');


if ibatch<niter-nBatches-50
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,6 +209,7 @@

if ibatch==niter-nBatches
flag_lastpass = 1;

st3 = zeros(1e7, 4);
fW = zeros(Nnearest, 1e7, 'single');
fWpc = zeros(NchanNear, Nrank, 1e7, 'single');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,6 +267,7 @@

rez.U = gather(U); = mu;
rez.nsp = nsp;

nNeighPC = size(fWpc,1);
rez.cProjPC = permute(fWpc, [3 2 1]); %zeros(size(st3,1), 3, nNeighPC, 'single');
Expand All @@ -273,6 +277,6 @@
rez.iNeighPC = gather(iC(:, iW));

rez.muall = muall;
rez.Wall = Wall;
rez.Uall = Uall;
% rez.muall = muall;
% rez.Wall = Wall;
% rez.Uall = Uall;
271 changes: 271 additions & 0 deletions mainLoop/learnAndSolve9.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
function rez = learnAndSolve8(rez)

ops = rez.ops;

wPCA = extractPCfromSnippets(rez, 3);
wPCA = gpuArray(wPCA);

% wPCA = gpuArray(ops.wPCA(:,1:3));

wPCA(:,1) = - wPCA(:,1) * sign(wPCA(20,1));

rng('default'); rng(1);

NchanNear = 32;
Nnearest = 32;
nfullpasses = ops.nfullpasses;

sigmaMask = ops.sigmaMask;

ops.spkTh = -6;

nt0 = ops.nt0;
nt0min = ceil(20 * nt0/61);
rez.ops.nt0min = nt0min;

nBatches = rez.temp.Nbatch;
NT = ops.NT;
batchstart = 0:NT:NT*nBatches;
Nfilt = ops.Nfilt;
ntbuff = ops.ntbuff;

Nrank = ops.Nrank;
maxFR = ops.maxFR;

Nchan = ops.Nchan;

[iC, mask] = getClosestChannels(rez, sigmaMask, NchanNear);

irounds = [1:nBatches nBatches:-1:1];
% irounds = [1:400 400:-1:1 1:400 400:-1:1 1:nBatches];
% niter = numel(irounds);
niter = nfullpasses * numel(irounds);

flag_resort = 1;
flag_lastpass = 0;

t0 = ceil(rez.ops.trange(1) * ops.fs);

nInnerIter = 20;

ThSi = ops.ThS(1);

pmi = exp(-1./linspace(ops.momentum(1), ops.momentum(2), niter-nBatches));

Params = double([NT Nfilt ops.Th nInnerIter nt0 Nnearest ...
Nrank ops.lam pmi(1) Nchan NchanNear ThSi(1) 1]);

W0 = permute(wPCA, [1 3 2]);

iList = int32(gpuArray(zeros(Nnearest, Nfilt)));

nsp = gpuArray.zeros(0,1, 'single');

Params(13) = 0;
fprintf('Time %3.0fs. Optimizing templates ...\n', toc)

fid = fopen(ops.fproc, 'r');

ntot = 0;

for ibatch = 1:niter
% k = irounds(ibatch);
k = irounds(rem(ibatch-1, 2*nBatches)+1);

if ibatch<=niter-nBatches
Params(9) = pmi(ibatch);
% Params(12) = ThSi(ibatch);
pm = pmi(ibatch) * gpuArray.ones(1, Nfilt, 'single');

% dat load \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

offset = 2 * ops.Nchan*batchstart(k);
fseek(fid, offset, 'bof');
dat = fread(fid, [NT ops.Nchan], '*int16');
dataRAW = single(gpuArray(dat))/ ops.scaleproc;

if ibatch==1
dWU = mexGetSpikes(Params, dataRAW, wPCA);
dWU = reshape(wPCA * (wPCA' * dWU(:,:)), size(dWU));
W = W0(:,ones(1,size(dWU,3)),:);
Nfilt = size(W,2);
nsp(Nfilt) = 0;
Params(2) = Nfilt;

uniqid = int32(1:Nfilt);
idmax = Nfilt;

if flag_resort
[~, iW] = max(abs(dWU(nt0min, :, :)), [], 2);
iW = int32(squeeze(iW));

[iW, isort] = sort(iW);
W = W(:,isort, :);
dWU = dWU(:,:,isort);
nsp = nsp(isort);
uniqid = uniqid(isort);

% decompose dWU by svd of time and space (61 by 61)
[W, U, mu] = mexSVDsmall(Params, dWU, W, iC-1, iW-1);

% this needs to change
[UtU, maskU] = getMeUtU(iW, iC, mask, Nnearest, Nchan);

[st0, id0, x0, featW, dWU, drez, nsp0, ss0, featPC] = ...
mexMPnu7(Params, dataRAW, dWU, U, W, mu, iC-1, iW-1, UtU, iList-1, ...
wPCA, maskU, pm);

nsp = nsp * .95 + .05 * nsp0;

% \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

if ibatch==niter-nBatches
flag_resort = 0;

% final clean up
[W, U, dWU, mu, nsp, uniqid] = triageTemplates(ops, W, U, dWU, mu, nsp, uniqid, 1);

Nfilt = size(W,2);
Params(2) = Nfilt;

[WtW, iList] = getMeWtW(W, U, Nnearest);

[~, iW] = max(abs(dWU(nt0min, :, :)), [], 2);
iW = int32(squeeze(iW));

% extract ALL features on the last pass
Params(13) = 2;

igood = true(Nfilt, 1);

if ibatch<niter-nBatches-50
if rem(ibatch, 5)==1
% this drops templates
[W, U, dWU, mu, nsp, uniqid] = triageTemplates(ops, W, U, dWU, mu, nsp, uniqid, 1);
Nfilt = size(W,2);
Params(2) = Nfilt;

% this adds templates
dWU0 = mexGetSpikes(Params, drez, wPCA);
if size(dWU0,3)>0
dWU0 = reshape(wPCA * (wPCA' * dWU0(:,:)), size(dWU0));
dWU = cat(3, dWU, dWU0);

W(:,Nfilt + [1:size(dWU0,3)],:) = W0(:,ones(1,size(dWU0,3)),:);

nsp(Nfilt + [1:size(dWU0,3)]) = .05;
mu(Nfilt + [1:size(dWU0,3)]) = 10;
uniqid(Nfilt + [1:size(dWU0,3)]) = idmax + [1:size(dWU0,3)];
idmax = idmax + size(dWU0,3);

Nfilt = min(ops.Nfilt, size(W,2));
Params(2) = Nfilt;

W = W(:, 1:Nfilt, :);
dWU = dWU(:, :, 1:Nfilt);
nsp = nsp(1:Nfilt);
mu = mu(1:Nfilt);

if ibatch>niter-nBatches
ioffset = ops.ntbuff;
if k==1
ioffset = 0;
toff = nt0min + t0 -ioffset + (NT-ops.ntbuff)*(k-1);
st = toff + double(st0);
irange = ntot + [1:numel(x0)];
st3(irange,1) = double(st);
st3(irange,2) = double(id0+1);
st3(irange,3) = double(x0);
st3(irange,4) = double(ss0(:,1));

fW(:, irange) = gather(featW);

fWpc(:, :, irange) = gather(featPC);

ntot = ntot + numel(x0);

if ibatch==niter-nBatches
flag_lastpass = 1;
st3 = zeros(1e7, 4);
fW = zeros(Nnearest, 1e7, 'single');
fWpc = zeros(NchanNear, Nrank, 1e7, 'single');

if rem(ibatch, 100)==1
fprintf('%2.2f sec, %d / %d batches, %d units, nspks: %2.2f, mu: %2.2f \n', ...
toc, ibatch, niter, Nfilt, median(nsp), median(mu))




semilogx(1+nsp, mu, '.')




st3 = st3(1:ntot, :);
fW = fW(:, 1:ntot);
fWpc = fWpc(:,:, 1:ntot);


[~, isort] = sort(st3(:,1), 'ascend');

fW = fW(:, isort);
fWpc = fWpc(:,:,isort);
st3 = st3(isort, :);

rez.st3 = st3;

rez.simScore = gather(max(WtW, [], 3));

rez.cProj = fW';
rez.iNeigh = gather(iList);

rez.ops = ops;

rez.W = gather(W);
rez.W = cat(1, zeros(nt0 - (ops.nt0-1-nt0min), Nfilt, Nrank), rez.W);

rez.U = gather(U); = mu;

nNeighPC = size(fWpc,1);
rez.cProjPC = permute(fWpc, [3 2 1]); %zeros(size(st3,1), 3, nNeighPC, 'single');

[~, iNch] = sort(abs(rez.U(:,:,1)), 1, 'descend');
maskPC = zeros(Nchan, Nfilt, 'single');
rez.iNeighPC = gather(iC(:, iW));

rez.muall = muall;
rez.Wall = Wall;
rez.Uall = Uall;
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions mainLoop/triageTemplates.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
dWU(:,:, idrop) = [];
mu(idrop) = [];
nsp(idrop) = [];
% uniqid(idrop) = [];

if nargin>6
if nargin>6
WtW = getMeWtW(W, U);
cc = max(WtW, [], 3);

Expand All @@ -31,5 +32,5 @@
dWU(:,:, idrop) = [];
mu(idrop) = [];
nsp(idrop) = [];

% uniqid(idrop) = [];

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