Releases · CERTCC/SSVC
This release
- Updates the json schemas
- Adds documentation for CVSS vector element based SSVC decision points
- Improves some back-end python to set up future development
- Adds a dockerized container for documentation development
- Fixes a few content bugs (broken links, etc.)
- Update dependencies
What's Changed
- fix unit test by @ahouseholder in #669
- Reformat python with black by @ahouseholder in #671
- Add versioned outcomes schema by @sei-vsarvepalli in #672
- Replace python dataclasses with pydantic dataclasses by @ahouseholder in #674
- Resolve Issue 678 by @sei-renae in #679
- Convert site to use inline python instead of relying on manual script to generate decision point examples by @ahouseholder in #683
- Fix json schema example by @sei-renae in #684
- Split CVSS equivalence sets by @ahouseholder in #685
- Update to schema_examples directory by @sei-vsarvepalli in #688
- Update FEMA Federal continuity directive link by @sei-renae in #692
- Add PR template by @ahouseholder in #694
- Add markdownlint workflow by @ahouseholder in #693
- Add semantic versioning validator to _Versioned mixin by @ahouseholder in #696
- Add CVSS vector elements as decision point docs by @ahouseholder in #691
- Updated by @sei-bkoo in #706
- Add CVSS Qualitative Severity Rating Scale decision point by @ahouseholder in #712
- Dockerize the mkdocs dev server by @ahouseholder in #695
- Update schema JSON to use cross-referencing and force more validations by @sei-vsarvepalli in #704
Dependency Updates
- Bump mkdocs-bibtex from 2.16.2 to 3.0.0 by @dependabot in #668
- Bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.49 to 9.5.50 in the mkdocs group by @dependabot in #667
- Bump copyright by @ahouseholder in #670
- Bump mkdocs-bibtex from 3.0.0 to 4.1.0 by @dependabot in #675
- Bump pydantic from 2.10.3 to 2.10.6 by @dependabot in #676
- Bump the mkdocs group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #677
- Bump the mkdocs group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #680
- Bump the mkdocs group with 4 updates by @dependabot in #682
- Bump semver from 3.0.2 to 3.0.4 by @dependabot in #719
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 44 to 45 by @dependabot in #720
- Bump DavidAnson/markdownlint-cli2-action from 16 to 19 by @dependabot in #721
- Bump the mkdocs group across 1 directory with 3 updates by @dependabot in #722
New Contributors
- @sei-renae made their first contribution in #679
Full Changelog: v2024.3.9...v2025.2
This release converges feedback from the CSAF and CVE projects on the SSVC json schema. Also various dependency updates.
What's Changed
- Merge #627 into publish by @ahouseholder in #628
- Schema fix by @ahouseholder in #634
- Publish changes from #635 by @ahouseholder in #636
- Publish JSON schema base change to 2020-12 by @ahouseholder in #643
- Publish fix for decision point reference doc spacing by @ahouseholder in #646
- Bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.42 to 9.5.43 in the mkdocs group by @dependabot in #647
- Bump the mkdocs group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #648
- Bump mkdocs-include-markdown-plugin from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1 in the mkdocs group by @dependabot in #651
- Bump the mkdocs group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #653
- SSVC JSON Schema 2020-12 by @tschmidtb51 in #654
- Bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.46 to 9.5.48 in the mkdocs group by @dependabot in #656
- Bump the mkdocs group across 1 directory with 2 updates by @dependabot in #660
- Bump scikit-learn from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0 by @dependabot in #658
- Bump scikit-learn from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 by @dependabot in #661
- Spelling error fix in Decision Point Value Selection cvvs to cvss by @sei-vsarvepalli in #664
New Contributors
- @tschmidtb51 made their first contribution in #654
Full Changelog: v2024.3.8...v2024.3.9
SSVC v2024.3.8
Fixes spacing issues affecting HTML layout in decision point reference documentation.
What's Changed
- Updates from mkdocs latest version for space issues by @sei-vsarvepalli in #645
Full Changelog: v2024.3.7...v2024.3.8
SSVC v2024.3.7
What's Changed
- Bump mkdocs-include-markdown-plugin from 6.2.2 to 7.0.0 by @dependabot in #638
- Bump networkx from 3.4.1 to 3.4.2 by @dependabot in #639
- Change json schema base to 2020-12 by @sei-vsarvepalli in #642
Full Changelog: v2024.3.6...v2024.3.7
SSVC v2024.3.6
This release is primarily to address schema changes for CVE data record compatibility.
What's Changed
- Schema/issue 631 by @sei-vsarvepalli in #633
- Wrong URL in the ID field for Decision_Point_Value_Selection-1-0-1.schema.json by @sei-vsarvepalli in #635
Dependency updates
- Bump the mkdocs group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #629
- Bump the mkdocs group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #632
- Bump networkx from 3.3 to 3.4.1 by @dependabot in #630
Full Changelog: v2024.3.5...v2024.3.6
SSVC v2024.3.5
Fixes a schema bug in v2024.3.4
What's Changed
- Bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.36 to 9.5.39 in the mkdocs group by @dependabot in #626
- schema URL's ID field is garbled by @sei-vsarvepalli in #627
Full Changelog: v2024.3.4...v2024.3.5
SSVC v2024.3.4
Significant updates in this version include:
- JSON schema updates
- Bug fixes & Dependency updates
What's Changed
- Add Decision Point Value Selection schema with an example by @sei-vsarvepalli in #599
- Fix bad import in PolicyGenerator by @ahouseholder in #605
- Add schemaVersion field by @sei-vsarvepalli in #606
- Update dependencies by @ahouseholder in #598
- Bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.28 to 9.5.29 in the mkdocs group by @dependabot in #607
- Bump jsonschema from 4.22.0 to 4.23.0 by @dependabot in #608
- Bump the mkdocs group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #609
- Bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.30 to 9.5.31 in the mkdocs group by @dependabot in #610
- Bump mkdocs-include-markdown-plugin from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 in the mkdocs group by @dependabot in #611
- Bump the mkdocs group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #612
- Bump mkdocs-table-reader-plugin from 2.2.2 to 3.0.1 by @dependabot in #613
- Bump the mkdocs group across 1 directory with 6 updates by @dependabot in #618
- Bump mkdocs-print-site-plugin from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 in the mkdocs group by @dependabot in #619
- Bump scikit-learn from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 by @dependabot in #620
- Bump pandas from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3 by @dependabot in #622
- Bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.34 to 9.5.36 in the mkdocs group by @dependabot in #621
Full Changelog: v2024.3.3...v2024.3.4
SSVC v2024.3.3
What's Changed
- Remove dependency
- Update dependencies
Full Changelog: v2024.3.2...v2024.3.3
SSVC v2024.3.2
- Make json schemas available from
folder on site - Update Mission Impact in
representations - Minor i18n improvements
- Update links to CERT Guide to CVD to new site
- Other link fixes
- Project infrastructure improvements
- Update Dependencies
What's Changed
- Publish by @ahouseholder in #534
- Updates dependencies & adds changelog by @ahouseholder in #554
- Bump pandas from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 by @dependabot in #557
- Bump scikit-learn from 1.4.1.post1 to 1.4.2 by @dependabot in #556
- Bump mkdocs-print-site-plugin from 2.3.6 to 2.4.0 in the mkdocs group by @dependabot in #555
- Updated Mission-Impact in Deployer.json and in csvs/child_trees to ma… by @sei-vsarvepalli in #559
- i18n improvement to Deployer.json by @sei-vsarvepalli in #560
- Bump the mkdocs group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #563
- Replace CVD guide links with links by @ahouseholder in #562
- Bump dataclasses-json from 0.6.4 to 0.6.5 by @dependabot in #566
- Bump the mkdocs group across 1 directory with 5 updates by @dependabot in #567
- Bump jsonschema from 4.21.1 to 4.22.0 by @dependabot in #568
- Bump dataclasses-json from 0.6.5 to 0.6.6 by @dependabot in #572
- Bump the mkdocs group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #571
- Add requirements.txt trigger to link_checker.yml by @ahouseholder in #569
- Bump the mkdocs group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #573
- Bump scikit-learn from 1.4.2 to 1.5.0 by @dependabot in #575
- Bump the mkdocs group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #574
- Bump the mkdocs group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #577
- Fixed URL in by @patrickmgarrity in #578
- Bump dataclasses-json from 0.6.6 to 0.6.7 by @dependabot in #580
- Bump the mkdocs group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #579
- Bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.26 to 9.5.27 in the mkdocs group by @dependabot in #583
- Bump the mkdocs group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #585
- Make schema available via data/ folder for by @sei-vsarvepalli in #586
- Dockerize unit tests by @ahouseholder in #581
New Contributors
- @patrickmgarrity made their first contribution in #578
Full Changelog: v2024.3.1...v2024.3.2
SSVC v2024.3.1
- Update dependencies
- Add 2024.3 release notes
- Integrate site navigation with
home page
What's Changed
- Bump the mkdocs group with 1 update by @dependabot in #541
- Configure sitemap.xml to be populated by @ahouseholder in #543
- Bump the mkdocs group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #544
- Bump the mkdocs group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #545
- Bump actions/configure-pages from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #548
- Bump the mkdocs group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #547
- Bump the mkdocs group with 4 updates by @dependabot in #551
- Bump networkx from 3.2.1 to 3.3 by @dependabot in #552
- Add link to home page by @ahouseholder in #553
- Update changelog by @ahouseholder in #549
Full Changelog: v2024.3...v2024.3.1