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Version of FUN-BioCROP model with LIDET-derived litter decomposition parameters


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FUN-BioCROP with LIDET Parameters


Version of FUN-BioCROP model ( with LIDET-derived litter decomposition parameters

Model name: “FUNBioCROP_LIDET Study.Rmd”

Creators: Stephanie Juice, Joanna Ridgeway, Melannie Hartman, William Parton, Danielle Berardi, Benjamin Sulman, Kara Allen, Edward Brzostek

Contact information: [email protected], [email protected]

Related publication:
Juice, S. M., Ridgeway, J. R., Hartman, M. D., Parton, W. J., Berardi, D. M., Sulman, B. N., et al. (2024). Reparameterizing litter decomposition using a simplified Monte Carlo method improves litter decay simulated by a microbial model and alters bioenergy soil carbon estimates. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 129, e2023JG007625.

Software: R

Accompanying files:

  1. CORPSE function code: CORPSE Functions_Bioenergy_V2.R

  2. Data streams to load into the script:
    a. bulk.csv, bulk_till.csv, rhizo.csv, rhizo_till.csv, litter.csv: initial C and N (kg C or N/m2) pool values for each soil compartment, final values from spin up.

All five files have the same columns:

Column Description Units
uFastC Unprotected fast decomposing carbon kg carbon/m2
uSlowC Unprotected slow decomposing carbon kg carbon/m2
uNecroC Unprotected necromass carbon kg carbon/m2
pFastC Protected fast decomposing carbon kg carbon/m2
pSlowC Protected slow decomposing carbon kg carbon/m2
pNecroC Protected necromass carbon kg carbon/m2
livingMicrobeC Carbon in living microbial biomass kg carbon/m2
uFastN Unprotected fast decomposing nitrogen kg nitrogen/m2
uSlowN Unprotected slow decomposing nitrogen kg nitrogen/m2
uNecroN Unprotected necromass nitrogen kg nitrogen/m2
pFastN Protected fast decomposing nitrogen kg nitrogen/m2
pSlowN Protected slow decomposing nitrogen kg nitrogen/m2
pNecroN Protected necromass nitrogen kg nitrogen/m2
inorganicN Inorganic nitrogen kg nitrogen/m2
CO2 Carbon in carbon dioxide kg carbon/m2
livingMicrobeN Nitrogen in living microbial biomass kg nitrogen/m2

​ b. FluxTower_AvgSoilT.csv: Average daily soil temperature (oC) at 10 cm depth at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Energy Farm flux tower from 7/2008-3/2016. (One year of averaged data)

​ c. FluxTower_AvgSoilVWC.csv: Average daily soil volumetric water content (VWC) at 10 cm depth at UIUC Energy Farm flux tower from 7/2008-3/2016. (One year of averaged data)

​ d. input_CCS_LIDET Study.csv: This file has daily data to run FUN-BioCROP:

Column Description Units
yr calendar year year
doy day of year (1 to 365) (no leap year) day
anpp aboveground NPP (DayCent) kg C/m2/day
bnpp belowground NPP (DayCent) kg C/m2/day
aglivc live aboveground biomass carbon (DayCent) kg C/m2
bglivcj live juvenile fine root biomass carbon (DayCent) kg C/m2
bglivcm live mature fine root biomass carbon (DayCent) kg C/m2
aglivn live aboveground biomass nitrogen (DayCent) kg N/m2
bglivnj live juvenile fine root biomass nitrogen (DayCent) kg N/m2
bglivnm live mature fine root biomass nitrogen (DayCent) kg N/m2
nyr simulation year year
cult indicates a cultivation event (0 or 1)
crop indicates a new crop (0 or 1)
fert indicates a fertilizer event (0 or 1)
frst indicates the first day of the growing season (0 or 1)
harv indicates a harvest event (0 or 1)
last indicates the end of the growing season (0 or 1)
croptype crop type (0=none; 1=alfalfa; 2=corn; 3=grass clover pasture; 4=soybean; 5=wheat)
cropsrl crop specific root length mm/g root
cultrhizmix fraction of rhizosphere mixed with bulk soil during cultivation (0.0-1.0) fraction
cultlitmix fraction of litter mixed with bulk soil during cultivation (0.0-1.0) fraction
harvremov fraction of above ground biomass removed during harvest (0.0-1.0) fraction
fertamt fertilization amount g N/m2
lifehist plant life history (0 = annual, 1 = perennial)
froot_turnover_c amount of C in fine root turnover kg C/m2
froot_turnover_n amount of N in fine root turnover kg N/m2
agrd_turnover_c amount of C in aboveground biomass turnover kg C/m2
agrd_turnover_n amount of N in aboveground biomass turnover kg N/m2
leaf_litter_fastfrac Fast decomposing fraction of leaf litter (0.0-1.0) fraction
root_litter_fastfrac Fast decomposing fraction of root litter (0.0-1.0) fraction
root_diameter root diameter mm
root_length root length mm root/m2
rhizo_frac fraction of total soil volume that is rhizosphere (0.0 - 1.0) fraction
date date in format YYYY-MM-DD


  1. Save the model code (“FUN-BioCROP_LIDET Study.Rmd”) and accompanything files (data streams and CORPSE function code) in the same folder.

  2. In “Chunk 3: Load CORPSE Data Streams” set the working directory (setwd) to the folder with the files saved in step #1.

  3. In "Chunk 5: Define LIDET parameter sets" select the litter decomposition parameter set to be used in the run, and comment out all other sets.

  4. If changing any parameter values, edit them in “Chunk 6: Load parameters.”

  5. Run all chunks up to and including “Chunk 10: Prepare Data for Export.”

  6. In “Chunk 11: Export Output Data” edit data frames for export and filenames, as necessary.

  7. “Chunk 12: Graph Total Soil C” makes a figure of C remaining over the model run period.


This model is a reparameterized version of the original FUN-BioCROP model (Fixation and Uptake of Nitrogen-Bioenergy Carbon, Rhizosphere, Organisms, and Protection, Leaf litter decomposition in the litter compartment was reparameterized using the Long-term Inter-site Decomposition Experiment Team dataset (LIDET) and a modified Monte Carlo simulation.

Description of each chunk:

  1. Chunk 1: Remove all functions, clear memory. Removes all functions from R environment, clears the memory.

  2. Chunk 2: Load Packages. Loads packages necessary to run the code.

  3. Chunk 3: Load CORPSE Data Streams. Sets the working directory and loads the data files necessary to run CORPSE.

  4. Chunk 4: Load CORPSE Functions. Loads the R script with CORPSE functions from the working directory, “CORPSE Functions_Bioenergy_V2.R”.

  5. Chunk 5: Define LIDET parameter sets. Has ten different parameter sets for litter decomposition tested in this study: Baseline parameters, LIDET parameters, and the other 8 best performing parameter sets identified in the modified Monte Carlo. To run the model, all but one parameter set must be commented out.

  6. Chunk 6: Load Parameters. Loads all fixed parameters to run the model. Data frame with definitions of parameters is in the CORPSE function script “CORPSE Functions_Bioenergy_V2.R”

  7. Chunk 7: Prepare Data Streams. Takes data streams loaded in Chunk 3 and puts them in the format necessary to run the model. The model is coded to run at least two sites at a time, so if only one site is being run it must be run in duplicate. Individual data tables of daily values are created in this chunk from the input data file.

  8. Chunk 8: Set Initial Conditions. Creates data tables of soil C and N pools for each soil compartment (rhizo_till, rhizo, bulk_till, bulk, litter) and loads initial values into the data tables. Creates lists for each soil compartment to hold model output.

  9. Chunk 9: Load FUN Data and Set Up Matrices. Uses DayCent data to calculate FUN input data: root and leaf N demand, total N demand, plant CN, leaf N available for retranslocation, and litter production. Creates matrices for FUN model outputs.

  10. Chunk 10: Run Model. Runs the model.

  11. Chunk 11: Prepare Data for Export. Combines data from each day saved as lists into data frames for each soil compartment. Adds values from all soil compartments together to calculate total soil values, creates separate data frames for each soil C and N pool (e.g., protected slow C) for the total soil value. Adds different C and N pools together to calculate total soil C and N for all layers. Creates data frame of ratio of protected to unprotected SOC. Organizes FUN data for export.

  12. Chunk 12: Export Results. Exports CSV files of model results to the working directory.

  13. Chunk 13: Graph Total Soil C. Makes figure of C remaining over time.

Related Links:

Original FUN-BioCROP model:
LIDET dataset:


Version of FUN-BioCROP model with LIDET-derived litter decomposition parameters







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