Simple (and tiny) pattern matching library in POSIX C99 inspired by the Lua string replacement library.
It is all on a single header and C source, just drop it on your project and include it
Uses syntax similar to Lua string.{find,match,sub,gsub,etc.}, the options are the following:
Token | Matches |
%a | Anything |
%h | Alphanumeric |
%l | Letters |
%n | Numbers |
%p | Punctuation |
%s | Spaces |
%u | Uppercase |
%x | Hex [0-F] |
If the tokens are in uppercase, then that match would be inverted, for example, %n matches numbers, but %N matches anything but numbers.
If the token doesn't start with % then it is just a normal exact match
If the token is %%, then it matches '%'
If there is a number between the '%' and the token, it is taken as the amount of times to natch it, for example, "%4n" would match four numbers like "1234" Usage
Although there is a lot of functions on the header file, the only one that you might want to use is Match_String, since the other ones are for expanding the library