This Maven plugin supports pulling Maven project properties from secrets stored in HashiCorp Vault.
This is deeply reworked fork of the
Important changes:
Support for the Vault's approle flow see here
Support for token
, role_id
, secret_id</u>
to be configured as properties in the user's ~/.m2/settings.xml
So no credentials need to be checked into the source control.
To include the vault-maven-plugin in your project add the following plugin to your pom.xml
In order to pull secrets you must add an execution to the plugin. The following execution will pull secrets from secret/user
path on the Vault server
referenced here as vault_78
. In particular, this configuration will set the value of the ${my.secret.password}
and ${my.secret.username}
Maven properties to the secrets ${vault.password}
and ${vault.username}
Plugin assumes that in your ~/.m2/settings.xml
you have the credentials to access the Vault server
it can be a token
or a role_id/secret_id
the properties naming convention in the settings.xml
so for server with ID vault_78 it will be:
plugin will first look for token if not found or failed to login will go for the role_id/secret_id
or arole_id/secret_id
pair can be part of the server configuration in the pom.xml in form of
but this is not recommended.
- The execution will fail if neither is found for a server in configuration or properties.
This build uses standard Maven build commands but assumes that the following are installed and configured locally:
Java (1.8 or greater)
Maven (3.5 or greater)