You may want to see some screens records, documentation or even a features tour, everything is available here :
- Make the script installable with pip+git
- MKDocs on GitHub
- Recipes panes :
- Loading of all actions
- Refactoring of actions options (complex_data)
- Add recipes to Command palette
- Handle Parser in recipes
- Add remove recipe
- Recipes persistance
- Handle recipe in Table tab
- Improve the recipe discoverability in command palette
- Write example recipes :
- Opened port in Shodan
- Certificate + NS info for a domain
- Make a gitignore
- Add an history (Undo et Redo buttons) :
- Now done in baseline Textarea
- Add a command palette
- Filtering of types :
- Button to filter actions per type
- Button to (un)select all types at once
- Write docs :
- For users
- For devs (how to write custom parsers/actions)
- Add an help field to make a long description of action possible. (ie sort)
- Use of instance.execute/str.doc
- Wrap custom actions and UserTypeParser in a
dir - As the view container is a Static, it could accept a renderable widget as action result... It might be a way to make scripts with more interractions :
- Action to render text as Markdown
- Action to render table in DataTable widget (with custom action to copy colum or row)
- Regex Highlight
- Code Highlight
- Write
actions :- TSV to Markdown Table
- Domain and Url to base URL
- Domain to IP
- Domain in top 1M (Cloudflare list)
- Get base domain (i.e should return
- Certificate for a domain (
- IP to ASN
- Extract elements from HTML
- Markdown Table to TSV
- Mitre description
- Prepend per line
- Append per line
- Regex select or unselect
- Regex Highlighter
- Regex substitution
- Remove empty lines (Filter with [^.])
- Stats/Counts per lines
- Reverse sort
- Search in MISP
- Search in OpenCTI
- Search in Yeti
- Add in Yeti
- Select top N lines
- Search in URLScan
- Search in VT
- URL open
- Url redirect chain
- Url to Html
- HTML filtering with CSS selectors
- JSON filtering with pyjq (with jsonpath_ng, syntax is quite hard...)
- Custom parsers :
- For HTML
- For JSON
- For Yaml
- For analytics Identifiers (ie Google Analytics)
- For CVE Number
- For RFC Number
- For uuid
- For JWT
- For lat long coordinates (maybe as a tutorial)
- For tabular data (CSV, TSV, Markdown)
- Import in pandas dataframe -[x] Ok for TSV
- (WIP) Allow enrichment of dataframe (Another UI for entering the conf?) (and so of it's visual representation)
- [-]
From SQLite - [-]
From CSV - [-]
From MISP - [-]
From SQLite - From action from command palette
- [-]
- Update sort action for DataFrame
- Write filter and stats action for DataFrame
- set first line as column name
- For AS Number
- AS to Regex
- AS range
- Make a domain and a host Parser, improve the domain parsing
- Assync action results
- Assync loading of action (some loading times are long, especially for AS action)
- Requirement.txt
- Save action with file input (need to implement modal, have to check textual discord).
- Write python script/template to generate custom Parser/Action
pip install mkdocs mkdocs-gen-files mkdocs-material mkdocs-autorefs mkdocstrings-python
mkdocs gh-deploy