Module for making nice plots of complex DFT vectors
Basic usage:
from numpy.fft import fft, fftshift
N = 20 #Total number of bins
k1 = 2.0 #First component
k2 = 6.0 #Second component
x = np.arange(N)
s = np.cos(x*2*k1*np.pi/N) + np.sin(x*2*k2*np.pi/N)
KS = fftshift(fft(s))
...which produces the following figure:
The cosine components show up in bins +/- 2 and fall in the real (vertical) plane. The sine components show up in bins +/- 6, and fall on the imaginary (flat) plane; i.e., looking in/out of the page. The spectrum is hermetian-symmetric, as expected for a purely real input signal.