Your companion Card for your Everything Presence Lite

Name | Example | Description |
type (required) | custom:presence-card |
imageLoc (required) | /local/images/room.jpg | The path to a top down image of the room. |
roomX (required) | 2.0 | The width of the room in meters. |
roomY (required) | 3.71 | The depth of the room in meters. |
sensorX (required) | 0 | The x position of the Sensor in the Room in meters. |
sensorY (required) | 0.1 | The y position of the Sensor in the Room in meters. |
sensorRot (required) | 20 | The rotation of the Sensor in deg. |
invertX | false | The x values of the EPLite are by default invertet. So keep this on true. |
target1x | sensor.everything_presence_lite_target_1_x | The id of the entity that contais the x position of target 1. |
target1y | sensor.everything_presence_lite_target_1_y | The id of the entity that contais the y position of target 1. |
target2x | sensor.everything_presence_lite_target_2_x | The id of the entity that contais the x position of target 2. |
target2y | sensor.everything_presence_lite_target_2_y | The id of the entity that contais the y position of target 2. |
target3x | sensor.everything_presence_lite_target_3_x | The id of the entity that contais the x position of target 3. |
target3y | sensor.everything_presence_lite_target_3_y | The id of the entity that contais the y position of target 3. |
zone1bx | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_1_begin_x | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 1. |
zone1ex | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_1_end_x | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 1. |
zone1by | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_1_begin_y | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 1. |
zone1ey | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_1_end_y | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 1. |
zone1bx | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_2_begin_x | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 2. |
zone1ex | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_2_end_x | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 2. |
zone1by | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_2_begin_y | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 2. |
zone1ey | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_2_end_y | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 2. |
zone1bx | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_3_begin_x | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 3. |
zone1ex | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_3_end_x | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 3. |
zone1by | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_3_begin_y | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 3. |
zone1ey | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_3_end_y | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 3. |
zone1bx | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_4_begin_x | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 4. |
zone1ex | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_4_end_x | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 4. |
zone1by | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_4_begin_y | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 4. |
zone1ey | number.everything_presence_lite_zone_4_end_y | The id of the entity that contais the start x position of zone 4. |
Name | Example | Description |
target1Color | '#0106fa' | The color of target 1. |
target2Color | '#0376fe' | The color of target 2. |
target3Color | '#6265ae' | The color of target 3. |
targetOutline | '#9365ae' | The color of the targets outline. |
zone1Color | '#ef65ae' | The color of zone 1. |
zone2Color | '#01759e' | The color of zone 2. |
zone3Color | '#932332' | The color of zone 3. |
zone4Color | '#afde12' | The color of zone 4. |
displaySensor | false | Whether or not to show the sensor icon. |
displayText | false | Whether or not to show the text. |
textScale | 1.2 | The scale of the text. |