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Only set blockdata when necessary
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Fixes blocks not reverting properly when build event is cancelled
Allow placing blocks against pipes in the air
  • Loading branch information
BlackBeltPanda committed Jan 25, 2022
1 parent b3d3b61 commit 783f633
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Showing 2 changed files with 38 additions and 63 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -156,39 +156,6 @@ private Recipe calculateRecipe() {

// Inventory craftingInventory = Bukkit.createInventory(null, InventoryType.WORKBENCH);
// craftingInventory.setContents(items);

// Iterator<Recipe> iterator = Bukkit.recipeIterator();
// recipeLoop:
// while (iterator.hasNext()) {
// Recipe recipe =;
// if (recipe instanceof ShapedRecipe shapedRecipe) {
// Map<Character, RecipeChoice> ingredients = shapedRecipe.getChoiceMap();
// int index = 0;
// for (String row : shapedRecipe.getShape()) {
// for (char col : row.toCharArray()) {
// RecipeChoice recipeChoice = ingredients.get(col);
// if (recipeChoice.test(Objects.requireNonNull(items[index]))) {
// if (index == 8) {
// // All items have matched, return the recipe
// return recipe;
// }
// }
// else {
// continue recipeLoop;
// }
// index++;
// }
// }
// }
// else if (recipe instanceof ShapelessRecipe shapelessRecipe) {
// if (shapelessRecipe.getChoiceList().stream().allMatch(recipeChoice -> {
// return recipe;
// }
// }
// }
return Bukkit.getCraftingRecipe(items, duct.getWorld());

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
import de.robotricker.transportpipes.location.BlockLocation;
import de.robotricker.transportpipes.location.TPDirection;
import de.robotricker.transportpipes.utils.HitboxUtils;
import de.robotricker.transportpipes.utils.ProtectionUtils.FakeBlock;
import de.robotricker.transportpipes.utils.ProtectionUtils.ProtectionUtils;
import de.robotricker.transportpipes.utils.WorldUtils;
import org.bukkit.*;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,22 +300,22 @@ else if (relativeDuct != null) {

// ********************** PREPARATIONS FOR DUCT / BLOCK PLACE ****************************
Block placeBlock = null;
Block relativeBlock = null;
// If duct clicked, get block relative to clicked duct
if (clickedDuct != null) {
placeBlock = HitboxUtils.getRelativeBlockOfDuct(globalDuctManager, interaction.p, clickedDuct.getBlockLoc().toBlock(interaction.p.getWorld()));
relativeBlock = HitboxUtils.getRelativeBlockOfDuct(globalDuctManager, interaction.p, clickedDuct.getBlockLoc().toBlock(interaction.p.getWorld()));
// Otherwise, if block clicked, get block relative to clicked block
else if (interaction.clickedBlock != null) {
placeBlock = interaction.clickedBlock.getRelative(interaction.blockFace);
relativeBlock = interaction.clickedBlock.getRelative(interaction.blockFace);
// If hand item is not a duct, duct was not clicked, a block is to be placed, and the block isn't being placed at a duct
if (itemDuctType == null && clickedDuct == null && (placeBlock != null && globalDuctManager.getDuctAtLoc(placeBlock.getLocation()) == null)) {
// If hand item is not a duct, duct was not clicked, and there's a relative block and the relative block is not a duct
if (itemDuctType == null && clickedDuct == null && (relativeBlock != null && globalDuctManager.getDuctAtLoc(relativeBlock.getLocation()) == null)) {
// If a block is to be placed, and it's either solid or there's a duct where it's being placed
if (placeBlock != null && (placeBlock.getType().isSolid() || globalDuctManager.getDuctAtLoc(placeBlock.getLocation()) != null)) {
placeBlock = null;
// If there's a relative block, and it's either solid or a duct
if (relativeBlock != null && (relativeBlock.getType().isSolid() || globalDuctManager.getDuctAtLoc(relativeBlock.getLocation()) != null)) {
relativeBlock = null;
// If duct was not clicked, a block was clicked, the clicked block is interactable, and the player is not sneaking
if (clickedDuct == null && interaction.clickedBlock != null && interactables.contains(interaction.clickedBlock.getType()) && !interaction.p.isSneaking()) {
Expand All @@ -323,8 +324,9 @@ else if (interaction.clickedBlock != null) {
// Otherwise, if a block is not placed or a duct was clicked and hand item is not a duct or solid block
else if (placeBlock == null || (clickedDuct != null && !manualPlaceable)) {
// Otherwise, if there is no relative block or a duct was clicked and hand item is not a duct or solid block
else if (relativeBlock == null || (clickedDuct != null && !manualPlaceable)) {
// Don't prevent players from eating or bone mealing
if (!interaction.item.getType().isEdible() && interaction.item.getType() != Material.BONE_MEAL) {
interaction.denyBlockUse = true;
Expand All @@ -333,18 +335,18 @@ else if (placeBlock == null || (clickedDuct != null && !manualPlaceable)) {

// ********************** DUCT AND BLOCK PLACE ****************************
if (manualPlaceable) {
if (itemDuctType != null) {

// duct placement
if (placeBlock != null && protectionUtils.canBuild(interaction.p, placeBlock, interaction.item, interaction.hand)) {
// At this point, relativeBlock is only null if we can't place a block there
if (relativeBlock != null && protectionUtils.canBuild(interaction.p, relativeBlock, interaction.item, interaction.hand)) {
boolean lwcAllowed = true;
for (TPDirection dir : TPDirection.values()) {
if (WorldUtils.lwcProtection(placeBlock.getRelative(dir.getBlockFace()))) {
if (WorldUtils.lwcProtection(relativeBlock.getRelative(dir.getBlockFace()))) {
lwcAllowed = false;
if (lwcAllowed) {
Duct duct = globalDuctManager.createDuctObject(itemDuctType, new BlockLocation(placeBlock.getLocation()), placeBlock.getWorld(), placeBlock.getChunk());
Duct duct = globalDuctManager.createDuctObject(itemDuctType, new BlockLocation(relativeBlock.getLocation()), relativeBlock.getWorld(), relativeBlock.getChunk());
globalDuctManager.registerDuctInRenderSystems(duct, true);
Expand All @@ -362,37 +364,43 @@ else if (placeBlock == null || (clickedDuct != null && !manualPlaceable)) {

interaction.cancel = true;
interaction.successful = true;
} else if (clickedDuct != null) {
//block placement next to duct

BlockData oldBlockData = placeBlock.getBlockData().clone();
else if (clickedDuct != null) {
BlockData blockData = interaction.item.getType().createBlockData();
setDirectionalBlockFace(placeBlock.getLocation(), blockData, interaction.p);
placeBlock.setBlockData(blockData, true);
setDirectionalBlockFace(relativeBlock.getLocation(), blockData, interaction.p);
Block fakeBlock = new FakeBlock(relativeBlock.getWorld(), relativeBlock.getLocation(), interaction.item.getType());
fakeBlock.setBlockData(blockData, false);

if (protectionUtils.canBuild(interaction.p, placeBlock, interaction.item, interaction.hand)) {
BlockPlaceEvent event = new BlockPlaceEvent(placeBlock, placeBlock.getState(), clickedDuct.getBlockLoc().toBlock(placeBlock.getWorld()), interaction.item, interaction.p, true, interaction.hand);
if (protectionUtils.canBuild(interaction.p, fakeBlock, interaction.item, interaction.hand)) {
BlockData oldBlockData = relativeBlock.getBlockData().clone();
relativeBlock.setBlockData(blockData, true);

BlockPlaceEvent event = new BlockPlaceEvent(relativeBlock, relativeBlock.getState(), clickedDuct.getBlockLoc().toBlock(relativeBlock.getWorld()), interaction.item, interaction.p, true, interaction.hand);

if (!event.isCancelled()) {
if (!placeBlock.getType().isOccluding() && !Tag.SLABS.isTagged(placeBlock.getType()) && !Tag.STAIRS.isTagged(placeBlock.getType())
&& !Tag.IMPERMEABLE.isTagged(placeBlock.getType()) && placeBlock.getType() != Material.GLOWSTONE &&
!WorldUtils.isContainerBlock(placeBlock.getType()) &&
placeBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getType().isAir()) {
Material blockType = relativeBlock.getType();
// If the block to place is not solid, slab, stair, impermeable, glowstone, and container
if (!blockType.isOccluding() && !Tag.SLABS.isTagged(blockType) && !Tag.STAIRS.isTagged(blockType)
&& !Tag.IMPERMEABLE.isTagged(blockType) && blockType != Material.GLOWSTONE &&
!WorldUtils.isContainerBlock(blockType)) {
relativeBlock.setBlockData(oldBlockData, true);
else {
// create TransportPipesContainer from placed block if it is such
if (WorldUtils.isContainerBlock(interaction.item.getType())) {
tpContainerListener.updateContainerBlock(placeBlock, true, true);
tpContainerListener.updateContainerBlock(relativeBlock, true, true);

decreaseHandItem(interaction.p, interaction.hand);
else {
placeBlock.setBlockData(oldBlockData, true);
relativeBlock.setBlockData(oldBlockData, true);

interaction.cancel = true;
interaction.successful = true;
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