The aim of this project is to build an Engine to create automatic metamodel adapters for users editors and relatives model back trasformations to update original domain models.
/repository : contains the Abstract Transformation Rules for models/metamodels transformations.
/engine: contains the software engine which makes the abstract rules concrete.
/input : contains input models and metamodels.
/output : contains artifact produced by the tool suite itself.
/templates : contains templates file to create new evolution/de-evolution pair of rules.
It has been used the Epsilon Framework:
- EGL: It is used to define abstract rules that realize metamodel evolution and model de-evolution.
- EGX: EGL coordinator, it is used to instanciate the EGL abstract rules into the effective ETL transformations.
- EOL: Realizes utility functions that are imported in other modules.
- ETL: Automatic generated transformations which apply evolution and de-evolution on input models and metamodels.
Import the configuration in Eclipse environment and run it:
Right click -> Run As Java Application in the project:
Source Domain example metamodel: example1_Domain.ecore Target Domain example metamodel (generated): refactoredMM.ecore
Source Domain example model for Subclass (generated): Subclass_domain.xmi Source Domain example model for Rotation (generated): Rotation_domain.xmi
Target Domain example model for Subclass (user edited): Subclass.xmi Target Domain example model for Rotation (user edited): Rotation.xmi
####Step 1: BINDING
binder (binder.egx)
First of all this operation is needed in order to instanciate the Abstract Rules defined in the repository to the actual instances of used Metamodels (and corresponding Models). When launched the binder module for each repository rule ask the user to specify to which metaclasses it has to be applied on. Each rule can be applied to 0..n Metaclasses. For now, each execution can involve one and only one Evolution Rule.
####Step 2: Metamodel evolution
testEvolution (evolveMetamodels.etl)
The previous step configured ETL transformation to evolve Metamodels and de-evolve corresponding Models. At this second step the evolving transformation is applied on the Metamodel to generate the target one. The resulting target metamodel can be then used by user to edit conformed models.
####Step 3: Model de-evolution
testDeSubclass (evolveModels.etl) testDeRotation (evolveModels.etl)
This last step is used to de-evolve user-edited model into the source domain model. This transformation has already been configured in the binding step. Running it, the target-conform model is automatically transformed in a source-conform model.
The execution flow is embedded in the eclipse IDE as a plugin, in order to improve user usability. The binding step will be invoked by user and then applies directly the metamodel evolution. Instead, the model de-evolution will be automatically applied when user will save the target-conform model instance, generating a source-conform model instance. More than one rule could be applied in each one iteration.
@copyright 2019