Redux toolkit for auth
strange-auth makes it simple to implement auth by providing factories to create a reducer and a set of actions that the reducer understands. To give you an idea of what sort of state is managed, here's what the default initial state looks like,
status: INIT, // settled? pending login or logout?
isAuthenticated: false, // logged-in?
credentials: {}, // user info, tokens, etc.
artifacts: {}, // any leftover info from login
error: { // did something nasty happen?
login: false,
logout: false
const StrangeAuth = require('strange-auth');
// Assume that this reducer is placed at { auth } in the store
module.exports = StrangeAuth.makeReducer();
const StrangeAuth = require('strange-auth');
module.exports = StrangeAuth.makeActions({
// Implement login
login: (username, password, whatever, cb) => {
makeSomeRequest({ username, password }, (err, user) => {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
// You could also return a promise in here rather than calling cb()
cb(null, {
credentials: user,
artifacts: whatever
// You can also implement logout: (cb) => ...
const StrangeAuth = require('strange-auth');
// Attempt, success, and failure types for both login and logout
module.exports = StrangeAuth.types;
const Connect = require('react-redux').connect;
const StrangeAuth = require('strange-auth');
const AuthActions = require('../actions/auth');
const LoginForm = require('../components/login-form');
module.exports = Connect(
(state) => ({
isLoggedIn: state.auth.isAuthenticated,
isLoginPending: (state.auth.status === StrangeAuth.statuses.WAITING)
login: AuthActions.login