## OCT 08 (Day 1): Preliminary Proposal Submission Guidelines
- Get a markdown template, proposal_submission_form_2022.md, and custermize and place it in your team GitHub repository by 4:30 p.m.
- Each team's proposal will be introduced by the organizers.
- For preliminary proposal, please provide us with the following:
- Your team name and members
- A title for your idea
- Hackathon theme it ties to (see list on site)
- A sentence describing your idea
- A visual that shows what your idea is (can be a sketch, photo, wireframe, etc.)
- Make sure to think about the Hackathon theme, how this will help the user experience, how data will be incorporated and what problem it aims to solve.
## OCT 12: Confirmation Form Submission
- Complete a Google Form sent by the organizer to your registered email address
- EACH TEAM must submit ONE FORM by OCT 12, 11:59:59 p.m. in order to be eligible to present your work on Saturday, Oct. 15.
- Submission Due: Upload Presentation Slides to the top directory of your team GitHub repository by 9:55 a.m. (STRICT)
- Upload any other materials (e.g., source codes, resources, images, demo video, sample data) to your team GitHub repository by 9:55 a.m. (STRICT)
- A Presentation slide template is available here.
- Rename the presentation template by replacing "000" with your team ID number.
- Presentation Schedule is available here.