Gift a moment to the developer:
Purpose: Top Shot Helper sorts listings on NBA Top Shot by price instead of serial number. Lower serial numbers are highlighted by specific colors. Custom colors can be changed in the settings. Start sniping the marketplace by downloading this extension.
- Click "Code"
- Click "Download ZIP"
- Once download is finished, unzip the .zip
- Unzip by right clicking the .zip and clicking "Extract files"
- If you do not have this option available, download Winzip for free:
- Open Chrome
- Click the puzzle piece on the top right
- Click "Manage extensions"
- Turn on Developer mode in the top right
- Click "Load unpacked" on the top left
- Navigate to the Top Shot Helper folder that you previously unzipped
- Make sure you are on the lowest folder level of the Top Shot Helper
- Click "Select Folder"
- You should now see Top Shot Helper as a chrome extension
- Click the puzzle piece on the top right
- Click on Top Shot Helper
- Click the check box to turn on Sorted Dropdowns
- Change your custom colors as desired
- Only available for Windows users
- Click Save
- Go to and find a listing in the marketplace you would like to try and snipe
- You should now see the listings sorted by price with the serials highlighted by the custom colors selected
- Start sniping!
Why isn't it working?
- Open the Top Shot Helper and see if the "Sort Dropdowns" checkbox is checked. If not, turn it on and click "Save".
- Refresh the page after making the changes to the settings to see if the issue is resolved.
How do I know this isn't a virus?
- The code is open source and I have submitted this to Google for approval on the official chrome extension store.
- Now officially on chrome store:
Can you add additional features?
- Yes this is just the first version, I would consider it a beta. If you have recommendations, contact spencer#1698 on NBA Top Shot Discord.