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How to Create Your Own Midis

Benjamin edited this page Feb 27, 2024 · 19 revisions

How to Design Midis

Rules of Song Making

  • No overlapping notes, unless they start at the same time in the case of a chord
    • You technically don't have to follow this rule, it will just stop all other notes that are playing at the moment
  • Time signature can't change
    • Again you can technically do this, Wii Music just won't recognize the new time signature
  • Tempo must be the same throughout the song
  • You need at least 2 tracks or else the midi converter will crash

Regular Songs


  • Track 1: Melody
  • Track 2: Harmony
  • Track 3: Chords
  • Track 4: Bass
  • Track 5: Percussion 1
  • Track 6: Percussion 2

Custom Percussion

  • Custom percussion can be started and stopped by placing a note with a pitch value of 126 and a velocity of 1 on a percussion track
  • You can add a percussion note by placing a note with a pitch value of 120
    • Although most note pitches trigger a percussion note, for some reason Nintendo uses that pitch


  • Make a 16 track midi
    • Instruments in Orchestra are based on instruments used in the midi, not track position like regular songs
  • If track 1 has tempo data only, the track under it won't play

Handbell Harmony

Handbell Harmony songs are very tedious to replace, so don't expect them to work 100%

  1. Create 16 separate tracks (or 5 if you know how to edit RSEQ files) in a midi editor of your choice. If you use FL Studio you will need to know how to edit RSEQ files.
    • Only use the 1st, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th track (again, if you plan on editing the RSEQ, just use 5 tracks)
  2. For the first track, set the velocity of all notes to 127. This will be the part that the handbells play. And for the other tracks, just make up a backtrack for the song you're making.
  3. Once you are finished with the song, export it and you should be able to immediately patch it with the editor.

The rest of the steps is for RSEQ editing

  1. Send the song into GotaSequenceCmd and use the from_midi tool and then the disassemble tool. You should have a RSEQ file of the midi you made.
  2. Open it in a text editor of your choice. Don't worry, you will only be deleting a couple of things from this file.
  3. Highlight the SMF_X_Track_0 section to SMF_X_Track_2. Then remove opentrack 6, SMF_X_Track_X and opentrack 7, SMF_X_Track_X
  4. After you have deleted the following sections, you should be left with this:
opentrack 1, SMF_X_Track_Y
opentrack 2, SMF_X_Track_Y
opentrack 3, SMF_X_Track_Y
opentrack 4, SMF_X_Track_Y
opentrack 5, SMF_X_Track_Y

Change the Ys in the SMF_X_Track_Y to a sequence from 3 to 7. It should look like this:

opentrack 1, SMF_X_Track_3
opentrack 2, SMF_X_Track_4
opentrack 3, SMF_X_Track_5
opentrack 4, SMF_X_Track_6
opentrack 5, SMF_X_Track_7
  1. Besides the first one, add a one to the beginning of the x digit in the opentrack X, . It should look like this:
opentrack 1, SMF_X_Track_3
opentrack 12, SMF_X_Track_4
opentrack 13, SMF_X_Track_5
opentrack 14, SMF_X_Track_6
opentrack 15, SMF_X_Track_7
  1. Save the RSEQ, and use the editor to patch it into Wii Music.

Midi Editors

Not all programs export midis in a way Wii Music can understand. These are the programs I know export midis correctly.

Although if you want, you can use any program then just import the midi into any supported program and hit save.

For Beginners: Midi Editor

For Advanced Users: Fl Studio

Normalizing Midi

Midi normalizing is a feature that will try to fix any Wii Music midi problems automatically, which could remove the need to use a supported midi editor.

You can enable this option in the settings under Editor/Song Editor/Normalize Midi

The difference between Song and Score files

All of the songs in Wii Music are made up of 2 midi files, a song and a score.

SCORE: Contains the notes that are intended to be played (includes the custom percussion too)

SONG: Contains all of the notes present in the song (includes filler notes)

When replacing songs, you might have heard high pitched squeaking sounds. This is caused when there are no filler notes in the song file.

By default, the editor will replace the song and the score file with the same midi, but you can enable loading them separately in the settings under Editor/Song Editor/Replace Song and Score separately