*** The third party api used in callorbation of my own has stopped serving requests. Currently updating this project with another API for real time stats ***
Ultimate Team is an interactive NBA card collecting application targeted at sports fans who love collecting cards. I am using a third party API, as well as my own, to create a platform for users to open packs of cards and keep up on their players current stats. In this app, users can earn packs filled with cards, when they open these packs, the user can now view them in their collection and all of that player's current stats!
I am a huge NBA fan, as well as a stats nerd. I wanted to create an app that allows users to mix these two together, in a fun and interactive way.
User's Eastern Conference Card Collection
User's Western Conference Card Collection
User's Collection of Cards from a Single Team
- User can sign in using Google Authentication and create an account
- User can view all teams in the Eastern and Western Conference
- User can see how many cards from each team they have collected from the progression bar and counter on the teams cards
- User can click a card in their collection and view their up to date current stats
- A User can open packs
- When a pack is open, the app randomizes players based on cards the user already has
- It then makes cards of those players and assigns them to the user who is logged in
- When the user opens a pack, the cards assigned to the pack are now added to their collection
- User can see how many cards they have for each team
- When user clicks on a team, they can view the cards they have collected of that team
- When a User clicks on a player's card, they will see their updated real-time information and stats from a combination of external API and my API.
- React
- JQuery
- Reactstrap
- Bootstrap
- Node
- Javascript
- C#
- .Net
- Dapper
- Swagger
- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
- Nuget
- Linq
- Third Party API