Lottery contracts written in solidity with various functionality where people can enter the lottery and win lottery in some given elapsed time.
Various staging and unit tests are written to test each functionality of the contract and events emitted with gas usage using chai-mocha library.
Also, I've provided with the mock deploy scripts to the local testnet and main deploy scripts to the actual goerli testnet.
I have implemented the chainlink VRF Randomness using the chainlink keepUp and performkeepUp to get truly decentralised random number using subId.
Also deployed the smart contract on the goerli testnet with some contract address, also verified programmatically on the Etherscan using its API_KEY.
Hardhat Ethereum development environment
Solidity for writing smart contracts
Assertion tests in chai-mocha
Used Alchemy as the RPC node provider, and various other API such as Etherscan for verifying contract, CoinmarketCap for gas-usage
Used solidity coverage to check if all the functionalities lines are covered in the tests.