A Discord Music Bot
This Music Bot(MusicBear) is a discord bot coded in C# with Discord.Net.
(Using library BearMarkupLanguageLib to read configs.)
This bot can send audio to different guilds at the same time.
dotnet6.0 is needed.
The folder where this app is located should include config.txt, libsodium.dll, opus.dll and can include a folder named playlist to store playlists.
Before launching this app, ">token there<" should be replaced to bot's token in config.txt.
A playlist should be saved in txt format, and the format of the contents should be like as follows:
(the words in brackets are the abbreviation)
-help show the help message -ping check the bot's latency -userinfo show the user's info -setgame [game] set the bot's game -setstatus [status] set the bot's status -playlist(pl) show the available playlists -shutdown(exit/disconnect) shut down the bot -join(j) connect the bot to voice channel -play(p) [path/playlist] play the provided song or playlist -playnext(pn) [path/playlist] play the provided song or playlist next -movetonext(mn) [position] move this song to the top of the queue -nowplaying(np) show the current song -skip(s) skip the current song -queue(q) show the current queue -shuffle(sf) shuffle songs in the queue -remove(rm) [position] remove a song from the queue -removeall(rma) remove all songs from the queue -stop stop the current song and clear the queue -leave disconnect the bot from voice channel