This is a combination of the CRSD-ANT (produced by Luke Docksteader and Kris Scott), and the Switch Task (produced by Matt Booth).
This software was produced for research conducted at the University of Bath.
The origional documentation for the CRSD-ANT can be found here.
Click on the "Zip" link in the sidebar above or simply click here.
Extract the archive using the zip utility of your choice. Once the archive has been extracted a new folder named "CRSD-ANT & Switch" should now exist.
Inside of the newly created folder there should be a file named "index.html". Open this file with the Firefox Web browser and follow the on-screen instructions.
You can use a URL query to pre-populate some of the fields (ID, Session Number, Study ID, Group ID, and Age). You can also populate the 'round' field, which manages what message shows at the end. This is done in the following format, where '×' indicates a value:
The index.html page will extract the values if they are present and pre-populate the main.html page with those values, marking the text boxes as read-only. If a value is not present in the URL query, then the input for that field will will not be pre-populated and will be editable.
URL Param | Element Name | Values | Purpose |
ID | ID | String (any) | Setting input parameters |
sessionNumber | Session # | String (any) | Setting input parameters |
studyID | Study ID | String (any) | Setting input parameters |
groupID | Group ID | String (any) | Setting input parameters |
age | Age | String (any) | Setting input parameters |
firstTrial | First Trial | "ANT" or "Switch" | Selecting which trial to run first |
round | N/A | 1 or 2 | To determine what message is shown on the export screen |
Important Note: The CRSD-ANT program will run in any browser, but timing accuracy and result integrity is not guaranteed in all browsers, and importantly, it is known to be faulty in Internet Explorer. Exports and data integrity have also shown to be unreliable in Chrome.
If you do not have Firefox, you can download it here.
The Attention Network Test (ANT) was developed by Jin Fan and Michael Posner. More information about it can be obtained from Fan's website.
In 2009, we published an article introducing the ANT to researchers and clinicians with an interest in driving. At that time, we were using the Java version of the ANT, downloaded free of charge from Fan's website. But it takes approximately 20 minutes to complete, which is too long for our purposes. Therefore, we developed a shorter version of the ANT, called the CRSD-ANT. It was programmed by Luke Docksteader and Kris Scott, and takes about 10 minutes to complete. We are currently working on an article that reports very strong correlations between measures from the CRSD-ANT and Fan & Posner's Java ANT. Anyone interested in trying the CRSD-ANT can download it (free of charge) below.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this licence, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California 94105, USA.
Any original or modified version of this software must attribute the original work to the following (original) authors, and include a hyperlink (or at very least a URL reference) to their respective Web sites:
- Luke Docksteader -
- Kris Scott -
- Find image with an aspect ratio of 1:1, preferably 100x100 pixels. Images must be of type .png to allow for transparency.
- Create a second version of the image facing the opposite direction.
- Place both images in the images/targets folder and rename them to "NAMELeft.png" and "NAMERight.png". For example: a horse picture would become "HorseLeft.png" and "HorseRight.png".
- Add a reference to the image file on line 1 of the config/targetTypes.js file:
var stimList = ["Arrow", "Truck", "Hand", "Airplane", "Car", "Horse"];
- Open js/navigation.js in the text editor of your choice.
- Near the top of the file, change the following line, replacing "4" with the desired number of blocks:
var numberOfTestBlocks = 4;
Description of Data Files Saved by the CRSD-ANT.
Variable Name | Description | Source |
uniqueID | Alphanumeric string (with no spaces) | Entered by user |
StudyNum | Alphanumeric string (with no spaces) | Entered by user |
age | Age of participant (years) | Entered by user |
sex | Sex of participant (M, F, N or X) | Entered by user (checkbox?) |
group | Alphanumeric group code | Entered by user |
Date | Date of data collection | Read from system |
block | Block number (0=practice; 1 & 2 for test blocks) | |
trial | Trial number | |
CueType | Numeric (1 = No Cue; 2 = Centre Cue; 3 = Double Cue; 4 = Spatial Cue) | |
TargLoc | String (UP or DOWN) | |
TargDirection | String: L or R | |
Congruency | String: congruent or incongruent | |
TrialStartTime | Time at start of trial | |
targetOnTime | Time at target onset | |
firstFix | Duration of first fixation (panel 1 in Fig 1) | |
Response | Subject’s response (L, R, or None) | |
Correct | 1=correct, 0 = incorrect[3] | |
RT | Response time to nearest millisecond | |
LowRT | Set to 1 if RT < 100 ms, 0 otherwise |
[3] Set variable CORRECT to 1 if the subject’s response matches the correct response, and if the RT is in the range 100 to 1500 ms. Otherwise, CORRECT = 0.
The Switch task was created to work with the CRSD-ANT as part of a research project at the University of Bath. The Switch Task is decribed in X paper. The structure has been modified from the CRSD-ANT as described above in order to give the same user experience throughout the two trials and to provide the framework for the test.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this licence, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California 94105, USA.
Any original or modified version of this software must attribute the original work to the following (original) author & ANT framework authors, and include a hyperlink (or at very least a URL reference) to their respective Web site or GitHub Profile:
- Matt Booth (Switch Task) -
- Luke Docksteader (ANT Framework) -
- Kris Scott (ANT Framework) -
Within each response, the trial is broken up into 4 stages and an initiation stage:
Stage | Actions |
Trial Start | Set Trial Array, Generate Blanking interval for 1st trial, Call Stage 1 |
Stage 1 | Reset Trial Response & Response time, Show the fixation cross |
Stage 2 | Set timeout for Stage 2, Enable keypress event, Show arrow |
Stage 3 | Set timeout for Next Stage, Blank screen, Increment index counter |
Next Stage | Disable keypress event, Collect stage results, Check if end of trial; If not, call Stage 1. If so, generate & store export URI |
- Open config/SwitchTrialSets.js in the text editor of your choice.
- Near the top of the file, change the following line, replacing "50" with the desired number of sets:
const SwitchTrialSetCount = 50;
- Note, that this constant is the multiplier for the 4 base sets, so the total number of sets will be this number multiplied by 4
Variable Name | Type | Scope | Description |
Config | |||
SwitchTrialSet | array | Global | An array of the switch task trials to be iterated over to run the trial |
SwitchTrialSetCount | int | Global | Constant The number of each trial set to add to SwitchTrialSet before it is shuffled |
SwitchNavigation.js | |||
ResultsData | array | Global | Results data array |
SoftwareVersion | string | Global | Software Version number |
SwitchBrowserChack.js | |||
isFirefox | bool | BrowserCheck() | Is the current browser Firefox |
SwitchBreakTimer.js | |||
RunBreakTimer | bool | Local | Control variable to prescribe whether the break timer at the start of the Switch trial should run - initialised as FLASE |
TimerSecs | int | Local | The seconds elapsed since the start of the break timer - initialises as 0 |
BreakTimerSecs | int | BreakTimerTicker() | Functional - the count of seconds elapsed in the break timer (as mod 60) |
BreakTimerMins | int | BreakTimerTicker() | Functional - the count of minutes elapsed in the break timer |
SwitchArrayShuffle.js | |||
CurrentIndex | int | ShuffleArray() | Functional - The index of the current array item |
RandomIndex | int | ShuffleArray() | Functional - A generated random index for the array while shuffling |
flowchart TD
IX0[index.html] --> IndexOnLoad
IX0[index.html] -.Immediate redirect.-> IN0[input.html]
subgraph IndexOnLoad["On Load"]
direction TB
subgraph extractFromURL["urlpopulate.js > extractFromURL();"]
direction TB
IX1(Get the URL params as a string)
IX2(Store string to session storage as 'urlParams')
IX1 --> |Split URL string from '?'| IX2
IndexOnLoad --> IN0[input.html]
IN0[input.html] --> InputOnLoad
subgraph InputOnLoad["InputOnLoad.js > InputOnLoad();"]
direction TB
IN1(Check if user is on Mac)
IN2(Change fullscreeen instructions)
IN3(Check if current browser is Firefox)
IN4(Show browser warning)
IN1 -.Yes.-> IN2
IN1 --> |No|IN3
IN2 -.-> IN3
IN3 -.No.-> IN4
IN3 --> |Yes| populateFromURL
IN4 -.-> populateFromURL
subgraph populateFromURL["InputOnLoad.js > populateFromURL();"]
direction TB
IN5(Get 'urlParams' from session storage)
IN6(Split params into an array)
IN7(Loop through the array and store each param individually)
IN8(Loop through input controls.<br>If the param has been specified,<br>set the value and mark as read only)
IN5 --> IN6 --> IN7 --> IN8
IN9(User fills in details)
InputOnLoad --> IN9
subgraph InputSubmitForm["InputSubmitForm.js > InputSubmitForm();"]
direction TB
IS1(Get parameters from the fields on input form)
IS2(Check if all fields are filled)
IS3(Prompt user to<br>fill in all details)
IS4(Get 'round' number from session storage)
subgraph StoreInputData["InputSubmitForm.js > StoreInputData();"]
direction TB
IS5(Clear session storage)
IS6(loop through each parameter and add to session storage)
subgraph InputGlobalNav["GlobalNavigation.js > GlobalNavigate();"]
direction TB
GN1(Get first trial from session storage)
GN2(Check which page to navigate to<br>via a switch statement)
IS1 --> IS2
IS2 -.No.-> IS3
IS2 --> |Yes| IS4
IS4 --> StoreInputData
IS5 --> IS6
StoreInputData --> InputGlobalNav
GN1 --> GN2
IN9 --> |"Next button 'onClick'"| InputSubmitForm
GN2 --> D1([Which is the <br> first selected task?])
D1 --> |CRSD-ANT| AN0[Navigate to ANT.html]
D1 --> |Switch| SW0[Navigate to switch.html]
AN0 --> CRSD-ANTOnLoad
SW0 --> SwitchOnLoad
subgraph CRSD-ANTOnLoad["ANTonLoad.js > ANTOnLoad();"]
direction TB
AN1(Loop through target types & <br> populate target selection dropdown)
AN2(Check if user is on Mac)
AN3(Change fullscreeen instructions)
AN4(Push the 'formInput' view)
AN5(Check if current browser is Firefox)
AN6(Show browser warning)
AN7(Click the 'Next' button to skip<br>monitor and dropdown selection)
AN1 --> AN2
AN2 -.Yes.-> AN3
AN2 --> |No| AN4
AN3 -.-> AN4
AN4 --> AN5
AN5 -.No.-> AN6
AN5 --> |Yes| AN7
AN6 -.-> AN7
subgraph SwitchOnLoad["SwitchOnLoad.js > SwitchOnLoad();"]
direction TB
SW1(Set background colour to black with fade)
subgraph ANTTrial[CRSD-ANT Trial]
direction TB
AN8(User reads instructions and performs trial)
subgraph ANTExport["ANTexport.js > generateExportLink();"]
direction TB
AX1(Create file name)
AX2("Generate export data:<br>ANTanalyseResults.js > generateData();")
AX3("Create download data URI:<br>ANTexport.js > createDownloadData();")
AX4(Save export data to session storage)
AX1 --> AX2
AX2 --> AX3
AX3 --> AX4
subgraph ANTGlobalNav["GlobalNavigation.js > GlobalNavigate();"]
direction TB
GN5(Get first trial from session storage)
GN6(Check which page to navigate to<br>via a switch statement)
GN5 --> GN6
AN8 --> |User finishes trials| ANTExport
ANTExport --> ANTGlobalNav
subgraph SwitchTrial[Switch Trial]
direction TB
SW3(User reads instructions and performs trial)
subgraph SwitchExport["SwitchExport.js > GenerateExportLink();"]
direction TB
SX1(Create file name)
SX2("Generate export data:<br>SwitchGenerateResults.js > SwitchGenerateData();")
SX3("Create download data URI:<br>SwitchExport.js > createDownloadData();")
SX4(Save export data to session storage)
SX1 --> SX2
SX2 --> SX3
SX3 --> SX4
subgraph SwitchGlobalNav["GlobalNavigation.js > GlobalNavigate();"]
direction TB
GN3(Get first trial from session storage)
GN4(Check which page to navigate to<br>via a switch statement)
GN3 --> GN4
SW3 --> |User finishes trials| SwitchExport
SX4 --> SwitchGlobalNav
CRSD-ANTOnLoad --> ANTTrial
SwitchOnLoad --> SwitchTrial
ANTTrial & SwitchTrial --> B1[break.html]
subgraph BreakOnLoad["OnLoad();"]
direction TB
B2("Set background colour to white with fade<br>(for switch task background)")
B3(Start Break timer)
B1 --> BreakOnLoad
B2 --> B3
B3 -.Timer loop.-> B3
subgraph BreakGlobalNav["GlobalNavigation.js > GlobalNavigate();"]
direction TB
GN7(Get first trial from session storage)
GN8(Check which page to navigate to<br>via a switch statement)
GN7 --> GN8
BreakOnLoad --> |Break finished| BreakGlobalNav
BreakGlobalNav --> D2([Which is the <br> first selected task?])
D2 --> |CRSD-ANT| SW10[switch.html]
D2 --> |Switch| AN10[ANT.html]
subgraph SwitchRound2[Switch Trial]
direction TB
SW11(Perform Switch task as above)
SW12(Extract and save results as above)
SW11 --> SW12
SW10 --> SwitchRound2
subgraph ANTRound2[CRSD-ANT Trial]
direction TB
AN11(Perform CRSD-ANT task as above)
AN12(Extract and save results as above)
AN11 --> AN12
AN10 --> ANTRound2
SwitchRound2 & ANTRound2 --> |Trial 2 completed| EX1
subgraph ExportOnLoad["OnLoad();"]
direction TB
EX2("Set background colour to white with fade<br>(for switch task background)")
EX3(Check if round == 2)
EX4(Show next step info)
EX5(Show 'Thank You' message)
EX2 --> EX3
EX3 --> |Round == 1| EX4
EX3 --> |Round == 2| EX5
subgraph DownloadAllData["DownloadAllData();"]
direction TB
DN1("Create ANT download link:<br>createDownloadLink(DivName,InnerHTML);")
DN2("Create Switch download link:<br>createDownloadLink(DivName,InnerHTML);")
DN3("Click ANT download link:<br>ClickDownloadLink(divName);")
DN4("Click Switch download link:<br>ClickDownloadLink(divName);")
DN1 --> DN2 --> DN3 --> DN4
EX6(Clear session storage)
EX4 & EX5 --> DownloadAllData
DN4 --> EX6
EX1 --> ExportOnLoad