Unzip downloaded file.
you must have NodeJS and angular-Cli on your computer.
After unzipping the file, open the project file and press right click on the background of the folder. Open cmd window.
Write npm install in cmd window.
Then you can open the project by writing ng serve –open in cmd window (port number: 4200).
Open Eclipse ide or any other ide.
Import the whole Spring boot folder into ide.
Make sure while running the code that the port number inside (Crossorigin is the same port number of angular project).
1-Run Angular Code while Running Spring boot program to be able to receive data from the front end.
2- As shown the picture this page will appear in the browser which contains Email interface as shown in fig.1
- When you open the application it opens on the login page , Click on the “create new account” link. The user will first sign up in the sign up page and he should at least enter his name and email, and password.
Then the home page will appear to him containing all tools he can use in the mail.
If the user already has an email, he can easily log in by entering his email and password correctly and then his email will open to his home page (i.e defaulted: Inbox messages).
- The user can easily compose a mail by clicking the compose button, then he should fill all the required parts of the mail (the subject is optional to be filled), then click send.
If the user didn’t click send and he clicked the back button, it will take him to the home page but the message (mail) will be saved as a draft.
If the user wanted to go back to the home page and discard the mail he was writing, he could easily click on the trash button.
The user can easily navigate through his inbox, send, draft, trash, add contacts,or added folders by clicking on their corresponding buttons in the toolbar and click on any mail to open.
- The user can add, rename, or remove a folder.
The user can move specific mails from a folder to any other folder.
- The user can easily delete emails,and they will be saved in trash, and this mail will be deleted after 30 days.
The user can send mail to any number of other emails.
The user can filter his mails concerning the sender or the subject.
The user should select the mails before rename, move, or delete.
If you want to refresh the page, use the refresh button.
the user can’t add contact or send message to account which doesn’t exist in our data.