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Banuba VEExportSDK. API Reference.

VEExportSDK allows you to export video composition which already setuped in Core API and optionally edited with Effects API. So Core API is requires usage for VEExportSDK.


Facade (VEExport entity) consists of several methods and constructor.

VEExport initialization requires instance of VideoEditorService.

  /// VEExport constructor.
  public init(
    videoEditorService: VideoEditorService

Public methods allows you to export existing video editor composition or audio from VideoEditorService core module.

  /// Export video with input info and watermark model
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - fileURL: destination file url.
  ///   - exportVideoInfo: Describes exporting video editor params.
  ///   - watermarkFilterModel: Watermark effect.
  ///   - completion: completion creation - (isSuccess,  error)
  public func exportVideo(
    to fileURL: URL,
    using exportVideoInfo: ExportVideoInfo,
    watermarkFilterModel: VideoEditorFilterModel?,
    completion: ((_ isSuccess: Bool, _ error: Error?)-> Void)?
  /// Export audio from video editor asset
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - fileURL: destination file url.
  ///   - completion: completion creation - (isSuccess,  error)
  public func exportAudio(
    to fileURL: URL,
    completion:((_ isSuccess: Bool, _ error: Error?)->Void)?

Also VEExport API allows you to create slideshow from entire images.

  /// Exports slideshow images to fileUrl if provided. Otherwise, will be exported to tmp folder.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - images: images which will be used for slideshow
  ///   - fileUrl: destination file url. Optional.
  ///   - videoResolution: camera Module used to control device camera. Default is BanubaCameraModule
  ///   - completion: completion slideshow creation - (success, slideshow file url, error)
  public func exportSlideshowImages(
    _ images: [VideoEditorImageAssetProtocol],
    to fileUrl: URL? = nil,
    videoResolution: VideoResolution,
    completion: ((Bool, URL, Error?) -> Void)?


Following entity is representation of export settings such as resolution, framerate, scaling mode and condition for using hevc codec.

/// Create configurable export video parameters.
public class ExportVideoInfo {
  /// Specified video quality.
  public let resolution: Resolution
  /// Specified video aspect.
  public let aspect: AspectRatio?
  /// Export video settings
  public let exportSettings: ExportVideoSettings
  /// ExportVideoInfo constructor.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - resolution: Specify quality for exporting video.
  ///   - aspect: Specify video aspect.
  ///   - useHEVCCodecIfPossible: Use HEVC (H.265) encoder if it is available on the current device
  ///   - frameRate: Specify video frame rate. Default is 30.
  ///   - scalingMode: Specify video scaling mode with required mode like ‘AVVideoScalingModeResizeAspect’. Default is 'AVVideoScalingModeResize'.
  public init(
    resolution: Resolution,
    aspect: AspectRatio? = nil,
    useHEVCCodecIfPossible: Bool,
    frameRate: Int = 30,
    scalingMode: String = AVVideoScalingModeResize
  /// Save original video quality.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - size: needs size.
  public static func setupOriginalSize(size: CGSize)

Resolution options.

  /// Specified quality for exporting video.
  public enum Resolution: String {
    /// 360p
    case ld360
    /// 480p
    case md480
    /// 540p
    case md540
    /// 720p
    case hd720
    /// 1080p
    case fullHd1080
    /// original
    case original
    /// 2K
    case hd2K


As mentioned above API has functionality to create slideshow video from images. Entire Images should be inherit from `VideoEditorImageAssetProtocol.

public protocol VideoEditorImageAssetProtocol: AnyObject {
  /// Slideshow duration
  var duration: TimeInterval { get }
  /// Image for video creation usage
  var image: CGImage? { get }
  /// Is need to use scaling effects during slideshow
  var shouldUseImageEffect: Bool { get }
  /// Get current CGImage from slideshow
  func getOrPreloadImage() -> CGImage?
  /// Remove existing image
  func unloadImage()