This project is no longer being actively maintained. The scraper will continue running until changes to the source websites break it, but it's recommended that you look for alternative data sources if you're working with MTG data.
This repository contains a cache in JSON format of tournaments posted on MTGO, Manatraders, Melee and Topdeck Websites
- Tournaments -> Tournament repository, organized by website and date
- Tournaments-Archive -> Tournament repository archive (for sources no longer being updated or maintained), organized by website and date data from 2024-06-20 onwards is significantly more limited due to changes on their website, and uses a separate folder.
Each JSON file contains a tournament object, an array of decks, plus standings and bracket information when appropriate. Check this folder to see exactly what these entities contain - each JSON file is a CacheItem
To use this data, clone the repository and run git pull
periodically to get the latest tournaments. MTGO, Melee and Topdeck data is automatically updated daily around 17:00 UTC, Manatraders data at the same time usually on the monday after the tournament.
Tools used to generate this data are available here.