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Tyler K. Collins edited this page Nov 1, 2019 · 15 revisions

Vised Marks

The vised marks extension is a multipurpose tool that has many useful features for visualizing and editing EEG data. Its functions can be summarized into three main categories:

  1. Manually edit the data by interacting with the scroll data and placing marks manually.
  2. Editing the data by running scripts that mark the data during times of specified criteria.
  3. Epoching and concatenating the data using the marks structure in order to apply effects specific to either data type.

Vised marks is designed based off a marks structure that latches onto the time indices of the data. This allows it to remember particular status (usually 0 or 1) of a mark at each time point, as well as accurately remove, cut and merge data time. Once the data is marked with your custom process, you can manipulate those points as you wish. Typically marked sections of the data are either removed or saved for the input of other functions.

⚠️ Set Up Figure Renderer ⚠️

Depending on your operating system and the default setting you are using you may need to type the following code into your MATLAB command window before each session. It mostly appears to be required when running MATLAB versions earlier than 2014b. This will ensure that the plots will open correctly, and you can avoid this error.

set(0, 'DefaultFigureRenderer', 'OpenGL')

Wiki Navigation

The following pages function as a reference manual for Vised Marks. Tutorials incorporating the Face13 dataset can be found here.

A slightly outdated but still useful video tutorial can be found here.

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