This project includes a search engine from A to B. The search engine includes all the components of a real search engine: inverted index, postings, parser etc.
The search method that was used is the GloVe method The GloVe model was trained with a corpus of 10000000 tweets about Corona virus. The trained model is in the folder 'model'.
For more information about the GloVe model please refer to:
To run the search engine:
- Install all the requiments in the requiments.txt
- Run the setup module
- In the main you can change the query that will be searched. There is a list of queries in the queries.txt file
- Run the main module to start the program
The merger module is implementing the BSBI algorithm to merge posting files. It is not used in the current project but you can use see how it's implemented and use it in your own project.
For more information about the BSBI algorithm please refer to:,the%20pairs%20in%20memory%20until%20a%20block%20