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Alex Radne edited this page Dec 14, 2018 · 6 revisions

For general issues identified and planned to be fixed see the issue page.

There are some known limitations with the GSA object model that might make some information get lost when pushing to the software. The known limitations are outlined below.

It is important that all unique section properties and materials, have a unique name, to be able to push all objects to GSA. Objects with the same name will be treated as the same object.


No known issues. Node constraints below


No known issues. Bar releases, materials and Section properties below


Not supported


Meshes pushed to GSA will be converted to objects with only one mesh face each. This is a limitation due to how GSA is handling 2d elements.
FEMeshes must have a surface property assigned to be pushed sucessfully.


Missing properties:

  • CompressiveYieldStrength
  • TensileYieldStrength
  • StrainAtYield
  • DryDensity

Section Properties

Refer here for some more details. Missing properties:

  • Corner, toe and fillet radii
  • Weld size
  • Reinforcement (On concrete sections)


  • Area and other related constants might get slightly changed due to the above mentioned missing radii and weld size properties

Surface Properties


  • PanelType (Always set to 'Slab' on read)

Node Constraints

Missing properties:

  • Name


  • Translation and Rotation (X, Y, Z) DOF type is set to 'spring' or 'fixed' only. All other constraints ('damped', 'springPositive' etc.) will all be set to 'spring'.

Bar Releases

Missing Properties:

  • Name of release, Name of release.StartRelease and release.EndRelease


  • Translation and Rotation (X, Y, Z) DOF type is set to 'spring' or 'fixed' only. All other constraints ('damped', 'springPositive' etc.) will all be set to 'spring'.

Rigid Links

No known issues