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BHoM GSA object relations
The following outlines what BHoM type that corresponds to each of the GSA types supported
BHoM type | GSA type | Notes | Implementation |
Bar | Beam Bar Tie Strut |
BarFEAType.Flexural -> Beam BarFEAType.Axial -> Bar BarFEAType.TensionOnly -> Tie BarFEAType.CompressionOnly -> Strut |
Node | Node |
MeshFace | Tri3 Quad4 |
BHoM class to be depricated 3 Nodes -> Tri3 4 Nodes -> Quad4 |
FeMesh | Tri3 Quad4 |
Creates one element per mesh face When read from model, will create one FEMesh per element Three noded face -> Tri3 Four noded face -> Quad4 |
RigidLink | Link | Will create one link element for each slave node |
PanelPlanar | NotSupported |
BHoM type | GSA type | Notes | Implementation |
Material | Material | See material type for more details |
SteelSection | CAT/STD section type | see Section Properties for more details |
ConcreteSection | CAT/STD section type | see Section Properties for more details |
ExplicitSection | CAT/EXP section type | see Section Properties for more details |
CableSection | CAT/EXP section type | Will be created as an explicit section, and there by read out as such for a general case see Section Properties for more details. |
CompositeSection | NotSupported |
ConstantThickness | Shell |
LoadingPanelProperty | Load Panel |
Waffle | NotSupported |
Ribbed | NotSupported |
LinkConstraint | Link Property |
For the MaterialType enum the following type in GSA will be used:
BHoM MaterialType | GSA Material Type | Notes |
Aluminium | Aluminium | |
Steel | Steel | |
Concrete | Concrete | |
Timber | Wood | |
Rebar | N/A | When read out non supported types will default to steel |
Tendon | N/A | When read out non supported types will default to steel |
Glass | Glass | |
Cable | N/A | When read out non supported types will default to steel |
When pushing a section property, the adapter first tries to create a catalogue section (CAT) based on the name of the section. Bear in mind here that this will trump the numerical parameters of the section, that is, if the Section Name is equivalent to a catalogue section in GSA, the geometrical properties of the section being pushed will be ignored.
If the creation of a catalogue section fails the toolkit will do slightly different things, depending on the section property used.
- Explicit and Cable sections will be turned into explicit section (EXP)
- Concrete and Steel sections will be turned into Standard Section (STD)
For the standard sections (STD) some properties will be ignored. This will be true for both creating and reading, these properties are:
- Any corner, fillet or toe radius
- Any weld size
As the catalogue name will differ from code to code, only the STD representation is shown in the table below. As stated above, the ignored properties in the notes does not apply to the catalogue sections.
BHoM Type | GSA Type | Notes | Implementation |
AngleProfile | STD R | Toe and fillet radius ignored |
BoxProfile | STD RHS | Inner and outer corner radius ignored |
ChannelProfile | STD CH | Toe and fillet radius ignored |
CircleProfile | STD C |
FabricatedBoxProfile | STD RHS | 1. GSA does not support different flange thicknesses. If different an error will be thrown 2. Weld size ignored |
FabricatedISectionProfile | STD I STD GI |
1. STD I for equal flange sections, STD GI for others 2. Weld size ignored |
FreeFormProfile | NotImplemented |
GeneralisedFabricatedBoxProfile | NotImplemented |
ISectionProfile | STD I | Toe and fillet radius ignored |
KiteProfile | NotSupported |
RectangleProfile | STD R | Corner radius ignored |
TSectionProfile | NotSupported |
TubeProfile | STD CHS |
ZSectionProfile | NotSupported |
BHoM Type | GSA Type | Notes | Implementation |
Loadcase | Load case |
LoadCombinations | Analysis Task + Analysis Case | Will create one Analysis Task of a specified type with one Analysis Case in it, matching the combination in the BHoM case. |
GravityLoad | Gravity Load |
PointForce | Node Load | Will create one load per each non-zero component in the Force Vector and the same for the Moment vector |
PointDisplacement | Applied Displacement | Will create one load per each non-zero component in the Translation Vector and the same for the Rotation vector |
PointAcceleration | Not Implemented |
PointVelocity | Not Implemented |
BarUniformlyDistributedLoad | Beam load - Uniform | Will create one load per each non-zero component in the Force Vector and the same for the Moment vector |
BarVaryingDistributedLoad | Beam load - Tri-Linear | Will create one load per each non-zero component in the Force Vector and the same for the Moment vector |
BarPointLoad | Beam load - Point | Will create one load per each non-zero component in the Force Vector and the same for the Moment vector |
BarPrestressLoad | Beam Pre-stress | Offsets will be ignored, not yet implemented |
BarTemperatureLoad | Beam Thermal | Only uniform temperature supported |
AreaUniformalyDistributedLoad | Face load - uniform | Will create one load per each non-zero component in the Pressure Vector |
AreaTemperatureLoad | Not Implemented |
BHoM Type | GSA Type | Default Axis | Notes | Implementation |
NodeReaction | Nodal Result - Reaction | Global |
NodeDisplacement | Nodal Result - Displacements | Global |
BarForce | Beam Forces and Moments | Local |
BarDeformation | Beam Displacements | Local |
BarStress | Beam Stresses | Local |
BarStrain | Beam Strains | Local |
MeshResults | Not Implemented | - | Mesh results not yet implemented |
GlobalReactions | Total Reactions | Global | Will be taken as the sum of the reactions at Restraints, Spring Supports, Ground Springs and Soild Supports |
ModalDynamics | Global Results - Dynamic Summary | - |