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This repository is not affiliated with Hillside Hermitage. I appreaciate the teachings of Ajahn Nyanamoli Thero, and have collected and orginized this archive for my own use. It has been made public with assumption others may appeciate the archive as well.

Much thanks to Ajahn Nyanamoli Thero and Bhante Thaniyo Thero for their generosity. Anumodana!

Below is a description of the changes made to the audio archives of dhamma talks made available by Hillside Hermitage at and, retrieved 28-09-2020. The archive was expanded as episode releases were made on Telegram

While there still may be errors or inconsistencies in the modified archive, it is now in a state that it can easily be maintained and updated by anyone interested in doing so.

  • The track numbering scheme matches the chronological sequence of dates of publication, which is incorporated into the title and file name of the talk. The numbering scheme of the talks as published by Hillside Hermitage is preserved in the title and file name of the talks, but not in a manner useful for sorting. There was no attempt to correct episode numbering.
  • In the naming scheme the earliest date of appearance was used, if there are multiple publishing dates for a talk.
  • If there were duplicate audio files, the highest number one was excluded, or the OneDrive (denoted by a#hh) version. (the excluded are a54hh, a55hh, a56hh, a57hh, a58hh, a59hh, a60hh, 55hh, 60hh)
  • If a thumbnail image was available from YouTube, it was embedded into the audio file.
  • The description from the YouTube video was added to the comments of the audio file, along with the URL to the YouTube video. If the audio file came from a different source, the URL is in comment of the audio file as well.
  • The primary sutta used for discussion is noted in the title and file name of the talk, if it was easily identifiable.
  • The naming scheme and style was standardized. yearmonthday - ###hh - SERIES - Episode title - Nikaya ### *"How to calm my mind" was added to the archive as "20180610 - hh - How to calm my mind"

The errors found in the original archive of talks are:

  • published dates and episode number are misaligned

Missing episode number:

  • 109hh

Missing episode:

Duplicate files:

  • 43hh & 55hh QA - Why should you meditate
  • 45hh & 60hh ON SUTTAS - The meaning of emptiness

Double numbered

  • 80hh- The island of safety & 80hh- GUIDED CONTEMPLATION - Anger
  • 131hh- Tranquil Energy & 131hh- Even Being a Layman Does Not Justify Your Sensuality

Books, essays, and summarized transcriptions have been added to the archive when released by Hillside Hermitage on or