Releases: AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-objc
Releases · AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-objc
ADAL 3.0.0-pre7 was an experimental preview for developers to try out our v2 endpoint and won't receive new features. We recommend using other third party OAuth 2.0 libraries for production apps targeting the AAD v2 and b2c endpoints.
- Fixes a compatibility issue with iOS 10
- Fixes ADALiOS resource lookups when using ADAL in a framework.
NOTE: There have been a number of regressions lately due to changes trying to work around changes in iOS 10, if you're on any version of ADAL prior to this one we recommend updating to at least 2.2.5
- Fixed an issue where NTLM authentication did not show if the authentication prompt came after the first redirect.
- Switched to a single framework/library build that can be included in both applications and extensions
- Fixed an issue where federated endpoints redirecting to URLs that would trigger URL canonicalization would cause ADAL to go to that endpoint twice. This was causing some non-ADFS federated endpoints to fail.
- (Mac Only) Fixed thread safety issues in
-[ADTokenCache serialize]
(#710) - Allow redirect URIs that start with "http://". however we still will not traverse those pages but we will get the authorization code from the URL. (#720)
- Separate out the library build targets so applications including ADAL's project file as a subproject can pull in either the Framework cleanly. However using both the framework and static library can still cause issues. This is an unavoidable side effect of the header search order in Xcode. (#693)
- Created a separate framework build target for iOS extension-safe ADAL.
- Properly set the minimum supported SDK version for ADAL framework to iOS 8.0 (#694)
- Added a Swift Sample App (#97)
(Note: We still recommend using 2.2.2 or later, as support for 1.2.x will end in the near future. The offending code had been removed in 2.1, so there is no need for a matching fix in 2.x)
- Removed offending code that causes ADAL to not work on iOS 10 Beta 2 and later
- Added support for iOS 9's -application:openURL:options: method (#662)
- Fixed a bug that caused the NTLM dialog to not appear (#666)
- Properly handle keychain errors that happen while retrieving Workplace Join information (#685)
- Added support for ADAL to use Keychain access groups in the Simulator when available (#670)
- Fixed the include path when consuming ADAL as a static library (#630)
- Error codes will appear as strings (ie. "AD_ERROR_SERVER_USER_INPUT_REQUIRED") in error messages now.
- Limited support for App Extensions. ADAL now has an app extension safe build in both the Xcode project (iOS static lib only) and CocoaPod. Interactive Auth is not supported in extensions as well. (#560)
- Fixed a bug that caused ADAL to erroneously unpercent encode query parameters being passed on. (#689)
- Fix a bug to set the default keychain shared group value properly