Releases: AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-objc
Releases · AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-objc
- Improved SSO capabilities between different authority aliases (e.g. and (#1060, #1061, #1069, #1079)
- Added additional server telemetry (#1041)
- Fixed a token persistence issue for assertion flow (#1004)
- Added additional NSNull check, when parsing server responses (#1055)
- Add support for applications that use the handleOpenURL:UIApplicationDelegate method for accepting URL requests (#1000)
- Add support for sending conditional access claims to acquire token call(#996)
- (Mac) Added CBA Support (#993)
- Handle www-authenticate:Negotiate properly when together with NTLM (#979)
- Fixed compilation error in Swift caused by ADErrorCode enum (#990)
- (Mac) Fixed authentication window position when using multiple monitors (#988)
- Fixed crashes caused by “ext_expires_in” with more robust parsing (#987)
- ADAL no longer supports 32-bit macOS applications (#755)
- ADFS on-premises authority validation (#529)
- Added ADTelemetry interface for app developers to consume ADAL telemetry in their telemetry pipelines (#859)
- Fixed documentation warnings in ADAL headers (#900)
- Replaced NSURLConnection (which was deprecated in iOS 9) usage with NSURLSession (#646)
- Removed iOS 9 deprecated API usage in NSString+ADHelperMethods and NSURL+ADHelperMethods (#889, #914)
- Added the extendedLifetimeEnabled property on ADAuthenticationContext to allow ADAL to return tokens in the extended expiration window during an AAD service outage. (#643)
- Fixed crashes caused by the NTLM dialog being launched on a background thread on iOS (#849) and Mac (#801)
- (iOS) Replaced deprecated UIAlertView usage with UIAlertController (#849)
- (Mac) Added the +[ADTokenCache defaultTokenCache] convenience method for accessing the default ADAL cache. (#808)
- (Mac) ADAL on macOS no longer errors out immediately when receiving a conditional access request. Erroring out immediately was preventing ADAL from being able to continue further with authentication methods that might still work. (#804)�
- Added error checking on passed in extraQueryParameters to prevent crashes when invalid query parameters are passed in. (#819, #822)