This module is designed to simplify the creation of multi-region hub networks in Azure. It will create a number of virtual networks and subnets, and optionally peer them together in a mesh topology with routing.
- This module will deploy
number of virtual networks and subnets. Optionally, these virtual networks can be peered in a mesh topology. - A routing address space can be specified for each hub network, this module will then create route tables for the other hub networks and associate them with the subnets.
- Azure Firewall can be deployed in each hub network. This module will configure routing for the AzureFirewallSubnet.
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" {
location = var.location
name = "rg-hub-${var.suffix}"
module "hub" {
source = "../.."
hub_virtual_networks = {
hub = {
name = "hub-${var.suffix}"
address_space = [""]
location = var.location
resource_group_name =
resource_group_creation_enabled = false
firewall = {
sku_name = "AZFW_VNet"
sku_tier = "Standard"
subnet_address_prefix = ""
subnets = {
server-subnet = {
name = "server-subnet"
address_prefixes = [""]
The following requirements are needed by this module:
The following resources are used by this module:
- azurerm_management_lock.rg_lock (resource)
- azurerm_resource_group.rg (resource)
- azurerm_route.firewall_default (resource)
- azurerm_route.firewall_mesh (resource)
- azurerm_route.user_subnets (resource)
- modtm_telemetry.telemetry (resource)
- random_uuid.telemetry (resource)
- azurerm_client_config.telemetry (data source)
- modtm_module_source.telemetry (data source)
No required inputs.
The following input variables are optional (have default values):
Description: This variable controls whether or not telemetry is enabled for the module.
For more information see
If it is set to false, then no telemetry will be collected.
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: A map of the hub virtual networks to create. The map key is an arbitrary value to avoid Terraform's restriction that map keys must be known at plan time.
- The name of the Virtual Network.address_space
- A list of IPv4 address spaces that are used by this virtual network in CIDR format, e.g.[""]
- The Azure location where the virtual network should be created.resource_group_name
- The name of the resource group in which the virtual network should be created.
- The BGP community associated with the virtual network.ddos_protection_plan_id
- The ID of the DDoS protection plan associated with the virtual network.dns_servers
- A list of DNS servers IP addresses for the virtual network.flow_timeout_in_minutes
- The flow timeout in minutes for the virtual network. Default4
- Should the virtual network be peered to other hub networks with this flag enabled? Defaulttrue
- Should the resource group for this virtual network be created by this module? Defaulttrue
- Should the resource group for this virtual network be locked? Defaulttrue
- The name of the resource group lock.resource_group_tags
- A map of tags to apply to the resource group.route_table_name_firewall
- The name of the route table to create for the firewall routes. Defaultroute-{vnetname}
- The name of the route table to create for the user subnet routes. Defaultroute-{vnetname}
- A list of IPv4 address spaces in CIDR format that are used for routing to this hub, e.g.["",""]
- If not using Azure Firewall, this is the IP address of the hub router. This is used to create route table entries for other hub networks.tags
- A map of tags to apply to the virtual network.
- (Optional) A set of additional route table entries to add to the Firewall route table for this hub network. Default empty[]
. The value is an object with the following fields:name
- The name of the route table entry.address_prefix
- The address prefix to match for this route table entry.next_hop_type
- The type of the next hop. Possible values includeInternet
- Should the BGP override be enabled for this route table entry? Defaultfalse
- The IP address of the next hop. Required ifnext_hop_type
- (Optional) A set of additional route table entries to add to the User Subnets route table for this hub network. Default empty[]
. The value is an object with the following fields:name
- The name of the route table entry.address_prefix
- The address prefix to match for this route table entry.next_hop_type
- The type of the next hop. Possible values includeInternet
- Should the BGP override be enabled for this route table entry? Defaultfalse
- The IP address of the next hop. Required ifnext_hop_type
- (Optional) A map of subnets to create in the virtual network. The value is an object with the following fields:name
- The name of the subnet.address_prefixes
- The IPv4 address prefixes to use for the subnet in CIDR format.nat_gateway
- (Optional) An object with the following fields:id
- The ID of the NAT Gateway which should be associated with the Subnet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
- (Optional) An object with the following fields:id
- The ID of the Network Security Group which should be associated with the Subnet. Changing this forces a new association to be created.
- (Optional) Enable or Disable network policies for the private endpoint on the subnet. Setting this to true will Enable the policy and setting this to false will Disable the policy. Defaults to true.private_link_service_network_policies_enabled
- (Optional) Enable or Disable network policies for the private link service on the subnet. Setting this to true will Enable the policy and setting this to false will Disable the policy. Defaults to true.route_table
- (Optional) An object with the following fields which are mutually exclusive, choose either an external route table or the generated route table:id
- The ID of the Route Table which should be associated with the Subnet. Changing this forces a new association to be created.assign_generated_route_table
- (Optional) Should the Route Table generated by this module be associated with this Subnet? Defaulttrue
- (Optional) The list of Service endpoints to associate with the subnet.service_endpoint_policy_ids
- (Optional) The list of Service Endpoint Policy IDs to associate with the subnet.service_endpoint_policy_assignment_enabled
- (Optional) Should the Service Endpoint Policy be assigned to the subnet? Defaulttrue
- (Optional) An object with the following fields:name
- The name of the delegation.service_delegation
- An object with the following fields:name
- The name of the service delegation.actions
- A list of actions that should be delegated, the list is specific to the service being delegated.
- (Optional) An object with the following fields:sku_name
- The name of the SKU to use for the Azure Firewall. Possible values includeAZFW_Hub
- The tier of the SKU to use for the Azure Firewall. Possible values includeBasic
- The IPv4 address prefix to use for the Azure Firewall subnet in CIDR format. Needs to be a part of the virtual network's address space.firewall_policy_id
- (Optional) The resource id of the Azure Firewall Policy to associate with the Azure Firewall.management_subnet_address_prefix
- (Optional) The IPv4 address prefix to use for the Azure Firewall management subnet in CIDR format. Needs to be a part of the virtual network's address
- (Optional) The name of the firewall resource. If not specified will useafw-{vnetname}
- (Optional) A list of private IP ranges to use for the Azure Firewall, to which the firewall will not NAT traffic. If not specified will use RFC1918.subnet_route_table_id
= (Optional) The resource id of the Route Table which should be associated with the Azure Firewall subnet. If not specified the module will assign the generated route table.tags
- (Optional) A map of tags to apply to the Azure Firewall. If not specifiedzones
- (Optional) A list of availability zones to use for the Azure Firewall. If not specified will benull
- (Optional) An object with the following fields. If not specified the defaults below will be used:name
- (Optional) The name of the default IP configuration. If not specified will usedefault
- (Optional) An object with the following fields:name
- (Optional) The name of the public IP configuration. If not specified will usepip-afw-{vnetname}
- (Optional) A list of availability zones to use for the public IP configuration. If not specified will benull
- (Optional) The IP version to use for the public IP configuration. Possible values includeIPv4
. If not specified will beIPv4
- (Optional) The SKU tier to use for the public IP configuration. Possible values includeRegional
. If not specified will beRegional
- (Optional) An object with the following fields. If not specified the defaults below will be used:name
- (Optional) The name of the management IP configuration. If not specified will usedefaultMgmt
- (Optional) An object with the following fields:name
- (Optional) The name of the public IP configuration. If not specified will usepip-afw-mgmt-<Map Key>
- (Optional) A list of availability zones to use for the public IP configuration. If not specified will benull
- (Optional) The IP version to use for the public IP configuration. Possible values includeIPv4
. If not specified will beIPv4
- (Optional) The SKU tier to use for the public IP configuration. Possible values includeRegional
. If not specified will beRegional
- (Optional) An object with the following fields. Cannot be used withfirewall_policy_id
. If not specified the defaults below will be used:name
- (Optional) The name of the firewall policy. If not specified will useafw-policy-{vnetname}
- (Optional) The SKU to use for the firewall policy. Possible values includeStandard
- (Optional) Should the firewall policy automatically learn private ranges? Defaultfalse
- (Optional) The resource id of the base policy to use for the firewall policy.dns
- (Optional) An object with the following fields:proxy_enabled
- (Optional) Should the DNS proxy be enabled for the firewall policy? Defaultfalse
- (Optional) A list of DNS server IP addresses for the firewall policy.
- (Optional) The threat intelligence mode for the firewall policy. Possible values includeAlert
- (Optional) A list of private IP ranges to use for the firewall policy.threat_intelligence_allowlist
- (Optional) An object with the following fields:fqdns
- (Optional) A set of FQDNs to allowlist for threat intelligence.ip_addresses
- (Optional) A set of IP addresses to allowlist for threat intelligence.
name = string
address_space = list(string)
location = string
resource_group_name = string
route_table_name_firewall = optional(string)
route_table_name_user_subnets = optional(string)
bgp_community = optional(string)
ddos_protection_plan_id = optional(string)
dns_servers = optional(list(string))
flow_timeout_in_minutes = optional(number, 4)
mesh_peering_enabled = optional(bool, true)
resource_group_creation_enabled = optional(bool, true)
resource_group_lock_enabled = optional(bool, true)
resource_group_lock_name = optional(string)
resource_group_tags = optional(map(string))
routing_address_space = optional(list(string), [])
hub_router_ip_address = optional(string)
tags = optional(map(string), {})
route_table_entries_firewall = optional(set(object({
name = string
address_prefix = string
next_hop_type = string
has_bgp_override = optional(bool, false)
next_hop_ip_address = optional(string)
})), [])
route_table_entries_user_subnets = optional(set(object({
name = string
address_prefix = string
next_hop_type = string
has_bgp_override = optional(bool, false)
next_hop_ip_address = optional(string)
})), [])
subnets = optional(map(object(
name = string
address_prefixes = list(string)
nat_gateway = optional(object({
id = string
network_security_group = optional(object({
id = string
private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled = optional(bool, true)
private_link_service_network_policies_enabled = optional(bool, true)
route_table = optional(object({
id = optional(string)
assign_generated_route_table = optional(bool, true)
service_endpoints = optional(set(string))
service_endpoint_policy_ids = optional(set(string))
delegations = optional(list(
name = string
service_delegation = object({
name = string
actions = optional(list(string))
)), {})
firewall = optional(object({
sku_name = string
sku_tier = string
subnet_address_prefix = string
firewall_policy_id = optional(string, null)
management_subnet_address_prefix = optional(string, null)
name = optional(string)
private_ip_ranges = optional(list(string))
subnet_route_table_id = optional(string)
tags = optional(map(string))
zones = optional(list(string))
default_ip_configuration = optional(object({
name = optional(string)
public_ip_config = optional(object({
ip_version = optional(string, "IPv4")
name = optional(string)
sku_tier = optional(string, "Regional")
zones = optional(set(string))
management_ip_configuration = optional(object({
name = optional(string)
public_ip_config = optional(object({
ip_version = optional(string, "IPv4")
name = optional(string)
sku_tier = optional(string, "Regional")
zones = optional(set(string))
firewall_policy = optional(object({
name = optional(string)
sku = optional(string, "Standard")
auto_learn_private_ranges_enabled = optional(bool)
base_policy_id = optional(string)
dns = optional(object({
proxy_enabled = optional(bool, false)
servers = optional(list(string))
threat_intelligence_mode = optional(string, "Alert")
private_ip_ranges = optional(list(string))
threat_intelligence_allowlist = optional(object({
fqdns = optional(set(string))
ip_addresses = optional(set(string))
Default: {}
The following outputs are exported:
Description: A curated output of the firewall policies created by this module.
Description: A curated output of the firewalls created by this module.
Description: A curated output of the route tables created by this module.
Description: A curated output of the route tables created by this module.
Description: A curated output of the resource groups created by this module.
Description: A curated output of the virtual networks created by this module.
The following Modules are called:
Source: Azure/avm-res-network-publicipaddress/azurerm
Version: 0.2.0
Source: Azure/avm-res-network-publicipaddress/azurerm
Version: 0.2.0
Source: Azure/avm-res-network-firewallpolicy/azurerm
Version: 0.3.2
Source: Azure/avm-res-network-azurefirewall/azurerm
Version: 0.3.0
Source: Azure/avm-res-network-routetable/azurerm
Version: 0.3.1
Source: Azure/avm-res-network-routetable/azurerm
Version: 0.3.1
Source: Azure/avm-res-network-virtualnetwork/azurerm//modules/peering
Version: 0.7.1
Source: Azure/avm-res-network-virtualnetwork/azurerm//modules/subnet
Version: 0.7.1
Source: Azure/avm-res-network-virtualnetwork/azurerm
Version: 0.7.1
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