This release is a refresh of the latest LTS branch (lts_07_2019) with select security fixes.
Package versions:
Not released
Port: azure-iot-sdk-c
Version: 2019-07-01-LTS-1
C Device SDK
- Always delete xio in MQTT cleanup (Port of 4ac2326)
- Fix segfault in the function message_queue_move_all_back_to_pending at message_sender.c and add UT for it. (port of 4ac2326)
- Mqtt twin timeout cleanup (#1234) (port of eec5e3a)
C Shared Utility
- Fix critical socketio_win32 bug where socketio_send() will drop packets if send() returns SOCKET_ERROR and WSAEWOULDBLOCK (port of Azure/azure-c-shared-utility@72289bb)
- Fix critical socketio_berkeley bug where socketio_send() will drop packets if send() returns -1 and errno=EAGAIN (port of Azure/azure-c-shared-utility@83f5ca9, Azure/azure-c-shared-utility@bac62b9, Azure/azure-c-shared-utility@c87c4a3)