This is a rewrite of my old portfolio which I wrote in blazor and lazily ported over to GitHub pages. This isn't just a port of the old site, it's a complete rewrite from the ground up, utilising several web technologies on top of blazor, such as Sass and JavaScript.
I wanted to update my old portfolio, however I ran into issues as the codebase was an unmaintainable mess. If you want to witness it for yourself you can here. Due to my new experience with web development and a better understanding, I decided it was better to rewrite the site from the ground up.
The whole reason the site was never published as the source code to begin with was because I didn't know how to get GitHub pages to host a blazor site,
The new approach uses 2 branches, one for the source code, and another for the compiled version of the site.
Whenever there is a push made to the source code of the branch, GitHub actions builds the page using .NET and pushes the compiled site to the gh-pages
I do not need to compile the SASS files using GitHub actions as of current, as my IDE compiles them on the fly. However, I may change this in the future.