Updated: March 08, 2017
Compiled NASA General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) code used as a spacecraft data simulator for the Quindar Mission Operations software platform.
These files are copied under gmat folder when quindar-qsrc is deployed. See https://github.com/quindar/quindar-deploy for details to deploy quindar-qsrc.
- Click NASA GMAT (GUI) icon to open GMAT GUI. You can visually navigate to the directory where your script file is. A sample data generation script file is located at application/userfunction/python/DataGeneration.script. Also, the python function used by DataGeneration.script is defined in DataGeneration.py.
- Click NASA GMAT (Console) to open a termial emulator to run GMAT. You can specify the script file you want to run. To run the sample data generation script file, type ../userfunctions/python/DataGeneration.script.
- NASA's GMAT user guide is available at http://gmat.sourceforge.net/docs/R2016a/html/index.html.
- To learn more about GMAT, go to https://gmat.gsfc.nasa.gov/.
We encourage you to contribute to Quindar-GMAT! Please check out the file CONTRIBUTING.md for guidelines about how to proceed.
Audacy was launched in 2015 by Stanford graduates, SpaceX veterans, and NASA award winners. Audacy delivers anytime and effortless space connectivity, advancing humanity to a new age of commerce, exploration and discovery. Connect online at https://audacy.space.
Quindar-GMAT is released under the original GMAT License. For license (terms of use), please refer to the file LICENSE.