// Unique identifier. Length must be 128 characters or less.
// Legal characters are ASCII letters (a-z, A-Z), ASCII
// numbers (0-9), and the following ASCII punctuation
// characters !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{}~.
"job_request_id": <string>,
// For a single file, it's a file path in the bucket. For multiple input
// files, it's a prefix in the file path. For example, inputting
// "folder1/shard" would take all files with paths starting with
// "folder1/shard" such as "folder1/shard1.avro", "folder1/shard/test1.avro"
// and "folder1/shard1/folder2/test1.avro".
"input_data_blob_prefix": <string>,
// Storage bucket for input data.
"input_data_bucket_name": <string>,
// The output data path in the bucket. Currently, single output file is
// supported.
// The output file will be named as follows:
// [OutputDataBlobPrefix]-[ShardId]-of-[TotalShards]
// In the case of a single shard, the output file will still apply the
// shard suffix information as "[OutputDataBlobPrefix]-1-of-1".
// If "output_data_blob_prefix" includes the Avro file extension (.avro),
// the output shard names will also include the Avro file extension at
// the end.
"output_data_blob_prefix": <string>,
// Storage bucket for output data.
"output_data_bucket_name": <string>,
// Parameters are required unless marked Optional.
"job_parameters": {
// For a single domain file, it's a file path in the bucket. For multiple
// domain files, it's a prefix in the file path. For example, inputting
// "folder1/shard" would include "folder1/shard/domain1.avro",
// "folder1/shard_domain.avro" and "folder1/shard/folder2/domain.avro".
"output_domain_blob_prefix": <string>,
// Domain file bucket.
"output_domain_bucket_name": <string>,
// Reporting URL.
// This should be same as the reporting_origin present in the reports' shared_info.
"attribution_report_to": <string>,
// [Optional] differential privacy epsilon value to be used
// for this job. 0.0 < debug_privacy_epsilon <= 64.0. The
// value can be varied so that tests with different epsilon
// values can be performed during the origin trial.
"debug_privacy_epsilon": <floating point, double>,
// [Optional] The percentage of reports, if excluded from
// aggregation due to an error, will fail the job.
// Values can be from 0 to 100. If left empty, default value of 10%
// will be used,
"report_error_threshold_percentage": <double>
Please see Appendix for input and output file format details.
Success: 202 Accepted
Bad request (malformed): 400 Bad Request
Duplicate job (job_request_id already taken): 409 Conflict
{} // Empty object in response body for success
These match the Google Cloud Error Model
"error": {
"code": 3,
// Corresponds to this
"message": "detailed error message string",
"details": [
"reason": "API_KEY_INVALID",
"domain": "",
// might not be present
"metadata": {
// Map<String, String>, might not be present
"service": ""
These are the validations that are done before the aggregation begins.
Job request is valid
i. Job request is not empty.
ii. Job should have a job_request_id. -
Job parameters are valid
All requiredrequest_info.job_parameters
map entries must be set with valid values.
Please see the createJob request parameter documentation above for more details.
Return code: INVALID_JOB
"job_request_id": <string>
Found: 200 Ok
Not found: 404 Not Found
// Unique identifier
"job_request_id" : "UNIQUEID12313",
"job_status": <string>,
// Time request was received
"request_received_at": <timestamp>,
// Last update time
"request_updated_at": <timestamp>,
// Location of input reports
"input_data_blob_prefix": <string>,
"input_data_bucket_name": <string>,
// Location of output summary report
"output_data_blob_prefix": <string>,
"output_data_bucket_name": <string>,
// Only present when job is finished
"result_info": {
"return_code": <string>,
// Debug information
"return_message": <string>,
"finished_at": <timestamp>,
"error_summary": {
"error_counts": [
"category": <string>,
"count": <int>
"job_parameters": {
// Location of pre-listed aggregation buckets
"output_domain_blob_prefix": <string>,
"output_domain_bucket_name": <string>,
// Reporting URL
"attribution_report_to" : <string>,
// [Optional] differential privacy epsilon value to be used
// for this job. 0.0 < debug_privacy_epsilon <= 64.0. The
// value can be varied so that tests with different epsilon
// values can be performed during the origin trial. A greater
// epsilon value results in less noise in the output. Default
// value for epsilon is 10.
"debug_privacy_epsilon": <floating point, double>,
// [Optional] The percentage of reports, if excluded from
// aggregation due to an error, will fail the job.
// Values can be from 0 to 100. If left empty, default value of 10%
// will be used.
"report_error_threshold_percentage": <double>
// The time when worker starts processing request in the latest processing
// attempt
// If the job_status is set to `FINISHED`, one can calculate the request's
// processing time in worker (excludes the time spent waiting in job queue)
// as `request_updated_at` minus `request_processing_started_at`.
"request_processing_started_at": <timestamp>
In case of errors in successfully completing the job, the below error response codes would be
present in the result_info
section of the GetJob API response body
- RETRIES_EXHAUSTED: The aggregation request failed because it exhausted the number of retries attempted. This error is transient and the job can be retried.
If the job fails due to a handled exception, then result_info.return_code
will have the
corresponding error code in
and result_info.return_messages
will have the exception message followed by a few stack frames of
the exception stacktrace for debugging.
If an unexpected exception occurs, result_info.error_summary.error_messages
will contain the error
The count of reports that are excluded from aggregation due to errors can be found in the getJob
response result_info.error_summary.error_counts
with the category
field giving the error code
and count
giving the number of reports in that category.
Error categories and description
If the total number of reports with errors exceeds 10% of the total report count, then the job will fail early with return code REPORTS_WITH_ERRORS_EXCEEDED_THRESHOLD before the privacy budget is consumed. The threshold percentage can be set in job.request_info.job_parameters for the key "report_error_threshold_percentage".
These match the Google Cloud Error Model
"error": {
"code": 3,
// Corresponds to this
"message": "detailed error message string",
"details": [
"reason": "API_KEY_INVALID",
"domain": "",
// might not be present
"metadata": {
// Map<String, String>, might not be present
"service": ""
Aggregation service expects input aggregatable reports batched in the Avro format given below. Please see Collecting and Batching Aggregatable Reports for how to generate avro aggregatable reports using collected data.
"type": "record",
"name": "AggregatableReport",
"fields": [
"name": "payload",
"type": "bytes"
"name": "key_id",
"type": "string"
"name": "shared_info",
"type": "string"
Additionally a domain file is needed to declare all expected aggregation keys for aggregating the aggregatable reports (keys not listed in the domain file won't be aggregated)
"type": "record",
"name": "AggregationBucket",
"fields": [
"name": "bucket",
"type": "bytes"
/* A single bucket that appears in
the aggregation service output.
128-bit integer encoded as a
16-byte big-endian byte string. */
Summary report is the output file generated by the Aggregation Service and is also in avro format with the following schema -
"type": "record",
"name": "AggregatedFact",
"fields": [
"name": "bucket",
"type": "bytes",
"doc": "Histogram bucket used in aggregation. 128-bit integer encoded as a 16-byte big-endian bytestring. Leading 0-bits will be left out."
"name": "metric",
"type": "long",
"doc": "Metric associated with the bucket"