##Simple ChromaDB Interface for Collection creation, management, Embedding and built in QnA Tool This is a Python script that allows you to create a collection of text documents, add documents to the collection, and query the collection using OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model. The script uses ChromaDB as the document database and embedding generator and uses OpenAI's API to perform chat style question-answering. Theres also several diffent tutoring prompts built in - the system should automagically detect and select the right prompts.
Getting Started To use this tool, you will need to have the following:
An OpenAI API key A ChromaDB database Python 3 installed on your computer You will also need to install the following Python packages:
chromadb openai bard api python-dotenv You can install these packages by running pip install -r requirements.txt.
You will also need to fill out the .env file in the root directory of this project you only need to add the following variables for this script: OPENAI_API_KEY=
Usage To use this tool, run the following command in your terminal: main.py
This will launch the tool and display a menu with several options. You can create a new collection, add documents to an existing collection, query a collection, and delete a collection. You can also load an existing collection and perform actions on it.
Configuration can be handled in the interface
bard integration - instructions on how to get a token here https://github.com/Ai-Austin/BardVoice/tree/main