Valainet is a project that will help IT administrators to monitor their server in realtime and identify the potential issue with it. This project also has modules to manage service tickets, Asset management. Please run the documentation file to learn more about operating the software.
ValaiNet consists of Server and Client Software. The server software is the point to monitor and control all the client systems. Please refer to the documentation on how to operate the software.
This software requires linux to run using LAMP stack installed. The software is easy to install and configure with minimal effort. I've only tested with Ubuntu server 20.04. This software also works with Windows and other operating systems.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apache2ctl configtest
AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
Syntax OK
Open the main configuration file in your text editor
sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
Add the below text
ServerName server_domain_or_IP
Check for the error using
sudo apache2ctl configtest
Now the output should read
Syntax OK
Now finally restart apache server to implement changes
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Add exception to firewall so you can access the application over the internet
sudo ufw allow in "Apache Full"
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
optional : you can secure the mysql installation.
sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql
Finally restart Apache
sudo systemctl restart apache2
sudo mysql -u root
Once inside MySQL. Enter the below command
- Download the latest release of ValaiNet from the releases page
- Extract it into the /var/www/html folder using the appropriate terminal commands
- Open your web browser and go to the url below according to your configuration
Important : For production use please download the latest release. Don't clone the repository to the htdocs folder as it may be unstable for production use
- Once inside the installation follow the installation wizard until done.
Note : if you use a different database name make sure your configure in valainet/classes/dbOper.php and valainet/classes/khatral.php
- Copy the Agent script from the cient/linux from the installation folder to the folder of your choice.
- Convert the file to a executable
- Open the file and change the server address and ip address and other things in the .sh file
- Run the sh file.
Copy the file to how many computers your want and change the configuration and run.
Thank you for choosing ValaiNet.
Please contact me if you are interested in this project or need support using my email id [email protected]
Please also note that there are so many things that are currently in development in this project. Please post any issues if you find anything thanks.