To start application there are two options:
How to run via Kestrel: 0. Update connection string and paths to the tsv files in appsettings.json (tsv files are placed in data folder)
- Open CMD in current (where readme is located) folder
- Run command "dotnet restore ./BackOfficeSystem/BackOfficeSystem.csproj"
- Run command "dotnet build" (npm i command will take some time, depends on the internet connection)
- Run command "dotnet run --project ./BackOfficeSystem/BackOfficeSystem.csproj"
- Go to the browser with HTTP route (can be find in CMD message)
How to run via IIS forward proxy:
- Open Solution in Visual Studio
- Press F5
If app was not launched, refresh page or try command again
- Extras:
- Swagger enpoint as usual /swagger
- Client app is integrated into backend application (see client-app folder)
- Was implemented custom TSV reading library