View the live chart at:!
Goals of this psychrometric chart:
- Open source and accessible online.
- Dynamic and adjustable parameters for chart construction.
- High-quality visualization and exports (SVG and PNG).
- Lightweight page load. No unwanted ads or fluff.
- Just static HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, no need to have an internet connection, just a web browser.
- Chart is created using d3.js
- Front-end framework: knockout.js
- SaveSvgAsPng
- Nothing else!
- Show other calculated psychrometric properties for states.
- Use other properties besides humidity ratio for fixing states.
- User-defined color schemes.
View the new live chart at:!
Too many changes to really document.
Added Tabs.
Added selectable outputs for each state.
Added chart colors (default (6) and user selected (3)).
Added editable titles for multilanguage support.
Added dropdown to select input.
Added Tbd & %RH and Tbd & Twb to control state selection.
Limit state selection within chart.
Local storage for all variables so users can go to their default state.
Fixed bug where Vapor Press did not update as Max ω > 0.3.
Added Altitude (14.7psi vs 14.696psi at 0ft).
Added Minimum Temperature (10°F).
Add Vapor Pressure to Show Chart.
Set font for RH and Twb to fix a bug where saved svg fonts were larger than chart.
Up to 3 states can be loaded from url. - Three states
Rearranged order of svg elements - axis, chart, border.
Added draw line with mouse + spacebar = very crude.
- Local storage of ko variables:
- Color Picker:
- SaveSVG:
- Metric psychrometric calculations:
Goal: Dynamic chart that can be used in multiple ways. One chart to rule them all!