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Installation instruction
1.	Copy script folder in your application
2.	Open script/config/config.php file
3.	Enter url till script folder in config file e.g. $config["script_url"] = ""
4.	Enter database settings (hostname, dbname, username and pwd etc) 
5.	In your application, include the following file 
        require_once "script/ pdocrud.php";
6.	Now you can create object of pdocrud class and run various function to generate crud table.

Please check documentation and demo folder for more details about how to use various function.

Demo folder contains demo database sql file and also some forms.

Each function reference is given in function file.

Description about folders

Script - It contains main script code. 
Demo - It contains some example forms
Documentation - It contains all documentation related codes

Version 1.1- released
Initial release

Version 1.2- released
Fixed small bug for join statement
Added extra skins
Added french language
Added some more js plugins

Version 1.3- released
Added option of url in column formatting
PDOModel class support is added
Fixed bug related to pagination
Added more examples

Version 1.4- released
Added column switch operation
Added option to show left join data in view also
Many demo forms added
More plugins added
fixed bug related to join operation

Version 1.5- released
Recaptcha support
Option to add hidden fields to save against specific columns
Added option to add custom action buttons
fixed bug of select action hook data

Version 1.6 - released
Added more plugins
Image upload path will be added in the saved image url
Send form data on email - various template customization options

version 1.7 - released
Redirect to another url after form submission
Show/hide fields with conditional logic (this works with database fields only)
Added more options to format table columns (Sum, divide, merge etc)
bug fix - columns removed function is now working with the print function

version 1.8 - released
Advanced filter option is added
Added Option to specify col data from another table's column or array
Added option to Open insert,edit form directly in popup on button click (direct popup form was already there)
Added new column action url function to redirect to another page with primary key
Added more options to format table columns (date, string, number formatting)
Added more parameter options for jQuery date picker
Bug fix - Fixed a sqlite related bug in PDOModel part

Version 1.9 - released
Added crud table bulk data update operation to change values directly in crud table
Added option to import bulk data from csv, xml and excel file
Added function csvToArray(), excelToArray() and xmlToArray() to get these files data in array format
Added sumPerPage & sumTotal functions
Added new form elements e.g. slider, range picker etc. currently, it works one element per page
Added search operator to search using 'like', '>', '>=', '<','=<' etc, with default '=' operation.
Added one page template to show Form and Crud Table on single page.
Added various image functions (crop, resize, thumbnail, watermark, flip)

Version 2.0 
Add nested table and nested table in tabs feature
Added plugin ckeditor

Version 2.1 
Add more options to format table columns
fixed small bug related to responsive design
fixed bug related to sqlite

Version 2.2
Added sql server support ( >= 2012)
Added graphs/charts using direct code and plugin both 
Added function to set file upload/download folder instead of config
Added more plugins
Fixed small bug of inline edit position when checkbox column and id column is hidden
Fixed small bug related to sqlite
Fixed small bug related to php validation

version 2.3
Added Tags type field (fieldtype = tags)
Improved login management further by adding redirection
only after successfull login etc.
Added Event calendar mangement javascript plugin
Added button for delete and edit in view, also option 
to hide/show all these buttons
Added extra option to specify the columns for the view
form also.
Added a new portfolio section to autogenerate portfolio 
like format directly from database
Extra Option for whether to delete the join table data or not

fixed small bug related to table column formatting.
fixed small bug related to search.

Version 2.4
Added direct function for forgot password
Added Trigger insert/update/delete operation in other table based on the main table operation
Added Left side action buttons display
Added jQuery data table plugin to display sql render data more efficiently
Added date range/time range/ datetime range search by setting search column type i.e. now you can pass from and to dates.
Changes in sql render function - removed pagination/records per page/totalrecords display in default display
Added more callback events in insert and update (after_insert and after_update)

bug fixed
Removed double slashes from the url addition
fixed bug of sql render function for print/export

Version 2.5
Added View Form formmatting options similar to tableColFormatting
Added option to upload multiple files
Added new file control to select and edit files. Edit form contains file url also.
Added formula function to modify fields before insert/update. Earier this can be
done by using callback functions.
Added null value of date support.
Added french translations - provided by user "wazkero"
Improved validation

Bug Fixed
Resolved bug for pgsql

Version 2.6 - (changes in config and css file)
Improved overall view section
Added tabs and multi table relation in view forms

Added sidebar option in edit/view forms similar to profile
page design in many admin themes

Improved filters - now you can also set like operator similar to search

Option to hide form buttons

Added option to change label(Column heading) of export/print

Excel export not working properly with latest version of PHP,
now working properly after updating the excel library
Responsive issue fixed - make sure to clear your cache as there are changes
in css

Version 2.7 - (changes in config file)
Added searchOperator to set the search operator directly in config.
Default value is "like".
Filter bug resolved.
Export with filter resolved.

Version 3.0 - (changes in config file) 
Please take complete backup before upgrade.
Major change - You need to enter purchase code in config file. You can find purchase code details here
If any one has having issue in entering the purchase details, please contact us via email using profile page.
Added pure bootstrap template that can be customized further as per requirement. (demo )
Added option to add action buttons on top (along with add button). (demo )
Added year wise, month wise, day wise report buttons to generate the table data based on the date range (demo )
You can pass array of columns in order by (dbOrderBy function) (demo
Reorder column display order (demo - code contribution by user:
Bug Resolved:
One page template page issue of multiple buttons resolved.
Search for all columns using where condition was ignoring where condition. It is resolved.

Version 3.1 - (changes in config file) 
Added option to map database field to static field (demo
Added Enum field to auto convert in select field (demo
Added subtraction and multiplication to add new table column dynamically based on two columns value (
Improved inner join function

Fixed warning message for count due to changes in php version 7.2

Version 3.2 - (changes in config file) (make sure to clear cache)
Added complete user login management functionality to manage user logins easily (demo
Added clone row option to insert rows faster (demo
Added - Max. and min. date allowed to choose in date picker by setting value in config file
Added many callback functions

Bug Fixed
Enqueue Button Action multiple url action fixed.

Version 3.3 - (changes in config file)
Added new function editFormFields to allow separate form fields for edit and insert form (demo
Added function to check duplicate record before insert (demo
Added bootstrap4 template - please note that our admin theme has bootstrap3 so it won't work with admin theme.
Increased size of maxSize parameter 

Bug Fixed
Fixed multi table relation auto insert of key
Added config parameter "preventXSS" to prevent xss attack if set true. 

Version 3.4 
Added export database function (demo
Added btn switch to trigger demo (demo

Bug Fixed 
Fixed lost password bug

Version 3.5
Added callback function for delete
Fixed a bug related to records per page

Version 3.5.2
Fixed bug related to the set search columns (demo

Version 3.6 (Changes in template files, language file, config and js file, so make sure to clear your cache)
Added Google Chart feature with various chart types (demo
CRUD Bulk update now supports more html elements i.e. select, textarea etc fields (demo
Added Autosuggest feature for search box (demo
Added reset form option in config to reset the form fields after submission, similar to "insert and new" (demo
Added quick view of data on table/grid row click (demo
Added field types  "range" and "rateit" and added column type "rateit" (demo
Added option to set encryption method for input type='password' (demo
Added settings for placeholder to show by default for input type='text' if set true (demo
Added function to set records per page list (demo
Option to hide/show "Save and back button" and "back" button in settings page
Design Improvements

Added plugin bootstrap tags input (demo
Added plugin bootstrap password strength (demo
Added plugin vertical timeline (demo
Added plugin rate it (demo
Added plugin input mask (demo

Fixed bugs
1. Fixed bug related to inner join 

Version 3.7 (Changes in template file, config file and js file, so make sure to clear your cache)
Added option to select whether to load the template js and css files or not (demo
Added single table cell edit feature similar to excel cell editing (demo
Added plugin summernote wysisyg editor (demo
Fixed bugs
1. Fixed bug related to select form 








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