Collection of draw (from ImDrawList) and widgets. Version
PR & Discussion are open.
- Triangle Pointer {Right, Up, Left, Down}
Used internally for LineSlider
- Hue Band
- Luminance Band
- Saturation Band
Used Internally to implement HueSelector.
- Color Ring
TODO: Ring HueSelector TODO: Add support for 2D (angle, radius) lambda
- Custom Color Ring
- Chromatic Plot{Bilinear, Nearest}
- Chromatic Point
- Chromatic Line
- Convex Mask
Support for ConvexMask, will fail or flip triangle if the shape is not convex. In practice some non-convex shape could work if all vertices are visible from the corner of the BoundingBox Used.
- DrawColorDensityPlot (aka ShaderToy)
Use carefully that can have impact on your performances for HighRes canvas or/and expensive lambda.
- Hue Selector
Draft means draft.
- ChromaticityPlot
- DragLengthScalar
- Slider 2D Float A version for Slider2DScaler is available for (Im{S|U}{8,16,32,64}, Float and Double)
- Slider 2D Int
- Range Select 2D
- Slider 3D
- Grid
- 2D Move
- Line Slider (TBD)
C++ features used internally:
- std::string
- template
- constexpr
- if constexpr
- Lambda from template
- auto
- std::vector<float>, std::vector<bool> for isoline