Async plugin for Vim/NeoVim to ease the use of ctags/gtags.
It is used for generate and maintain tags for you with multiple platform support, tested on Windows/Linux/macOS.
will detect SCM(git, hg, svn) root and use it as the project root path. But you can also create a folder named as .root
to specify a directory as the project root path.
Generate/Update ctags and gtags will run in background.
GNU global(aka gtags) is more powerful than ctags, which support definition, reference, calling, called, include, string and etc, but ctags only support definition.
As we can use GNU global why did I still support ctags in this plugin?
That's because GNU global only support 6 languages (C, C++, Yacc, Java, PHP4 and assembly) natively.
ctags can support more languages(41 showed on the website).
Actually global can support more languages with Pygments plugin parser, for more details please refer PLUGIN_HOWTO.pygments
in global document.
call dein#add('jsfaint/gen_tags.vim')
to your vimrc
Then launchvim
and run:call dein#install()
Plug 'jsfaint/gen_tags.vim'
to your vimrc
Then launchvim/nvim
and run:PlugInstall
Traditional method
Unzip the zip file under your .vim(*unix) or vimfiles(windows) directory.
Generate ctags database
Edit an extend configuration file for this project, use for add third-party library ctags database
The extend database will be generate automatically.e.g.: For libpcap under
add the following content toext.conf
:ClearCtags Remove tags files. :ClearCtags! Remove all files, include the db dir
GTAGS support the third-party library by set an environment variable GTAGSLIBPATH
But you can take a more straightforward way to do the same thing, by create a symbol link of the library
ln -s /usr/include/ .
mklink /J include C:\TDM-GCC-32\include
Generate GTAGS
:ClearGTAGS Remove GTAGS files :ClearGTAGS! Remove all files, include the db dir
is the default mapping support by Vim for definition
The following mapping is set for gtags when g:gen_tags#gtags_default_map
is 1,
which uses the cscope
interface .
Ctrl+\ c Find functions calling this function
Ctrl+\ d Find functions called by this function
Ctrl+\ e Find this egrep pattern
Ctrl+\ f Find this file
Ctrl+\ g Find this definition
Ctrl+\ i Find files #including this file
Ctrl+\ s Find this C symbol
Ctrl+\ t Find this text string
For more details about the usage, please refer to the help document in vim by :help gen_tags.vim
Thanks for reading :)
If you like this plugin, please star it on github!
And one more thing, bug reports and pull-requests are greatly appreciated :)