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neighborhood999 committed May 4, 2016
1 parent d8c36bf commit 2cbc3ce
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426 changes: 249 additions & 177 deletions part1/

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19 changes: 12 additions & 7 deletions part1/css-extract/
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@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
# 番外 - 提取你的 CSS
# Extra - Extract Your CSS

好了,你現在已經完成了,但是在 production 你不想要將你的 CSS 檔案放入到你的 JavaScript。為了這個目的,我們將會使用 [Extract Text Plugin](
Ok so now you've finished, but in production you don't want your CSS file to be inline with your
javascript. For this purpose we'll be using the
[Extract Text Plugin](

npm install --save-dev extract-text-webpack-plugin

我們需要改變我們的 webpack prod 設定檔案:
And we make the necessary changes to our webpack prod config:

var path = require('path')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,11 +42,14 @@ module.exports = {

這些修改來自[官方 repo]( README 的描述。如果你想要知道它是怎麼運作的,可以到官方相關文件做更深入的了解。
These changes come straight from the README of the
[official-repo]( Make sure to take a look if
you want to know how it works more in depth.

> 它在進入點將每個 require("style.css") chunk 成獨立的 css 輸出檔案。所以你的樣式不會在 JavaScript 內了,但是它會被分離到一個 css bundle 檔案(styles.css)。如果你的 stylesheet 很大,在 JavaScript bundle 時,stylesheet bundle 會被平行的載入,可以加快載入的速度。
> It moves every require("style.css") in entry chunks into a separate css output file. So your styles are no longer inlined into the javascript, but separate in a css bundle file (styles.css). If your total stylesheet volume is big, it will be faster because the stylesheet bundle is loaded in parallel to the javascript bundle.
如果現在你執行 `npm run build`,你的 CSS 會必獨立成一個檔案,有趣的是,它已經被引入到你的 `index.html` 了。
Now if you do an `npm run build` using this config your CSS will be in a separate file, and
interestingly, already included in your `index.html`.

Expand All @@ -55,7 +60,7 @@ module.exports = {
<h1>Very Website</h1>
<section id="color"></section>
<button id="button">Such Button</button>
<button id="button">Such Button</button>
<script src="bundle.js"></script></body>
41 changes: 23 additions & 18 deletions part1/example1/
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@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
# 範例一 - Bundle 和 Loader
# Example 1 - Bundling and Loaders

![Official Dependency Tree](

Webpack 簡稱為模組的整合工具。如果你想要深入的話,可以拜訪「modules」和「module bundling definitely」這兩篇優秀的解釋文章:
[JavaScript Modules: A Beginner’s Guide](
[JavaScript Modules Part 2: Module Bundling](
我們要保持它的簡單,webpack 運作的方式是透過指定一個單一檔案作為你的進入點。
這個檔案會是 tree 的 root。然後你每次 `require` 一個檔案從其他檔案並把它加入到 tree。當你執行 `webpack`,所有的檔案和 module 都會被 bundle 成一個檔案。
Webpack is formally referred to as a module bundler. If you want an in-depth and accessible explanation
on modules and module bundling definitely check out these two great articles:
and [here](
We're gonna keep it simple. The way that it works is that you specify a single file as your entry point.
This file will be the root of your tree. Then every time you `require` a file from another file it's
added to the tree. When you run `webpack`, all these files/modules are bundled into a single file.

Here's a simple example:

![Dependency Tree](

Given this picture you could have the directory:

Expand All @@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ MyDirectory
|- extraFile.js

and this could be the content of your files

// index.js
Expand All @@ -49,33 +51,36 @@ body {

當你執行 `webpack`,你會得到一個這個 tree 的 bundle 內容,雖然 `extraFile.js` 也是在相同的目錄中,但它不是被 bundle 的一部份,因為它在 `index.js` 沒有被 `require`
When you run `webpack`, you'll get a bundle with the contents of this tree, but `extraFile.js`, which was in the same directory, will not be part of
the bundle because it is not a part of the dependency tree:

`bundle.js` 看起來會像:
`bundle.js` will look like:

// contents of styles.css
// contents of UIStuff.js + React
// contents of APIStuff.js + fetch

被 bundle 的這些檔案是你明確所 require 進來的檔案。
The things that are bundled are only the things that you explicitly required across your files.

### Loaders

你可能會注意到,我在上方的範例做了一些奇怪的事情。我在 JavaScript 檔案中 `require` 一個 css 檔案。
As you probably noticed, I did something strange in the above example. I `required` a css file in a javascript file.

關於 webpack 真的很酷,有趣的事情是,你可以 `require` 更多不只是 JavaScript 的檔案。
The really cool and interesting thing about webpack is that you can `require` more than just
javascript files.

在 webpack 這些東西我們稱為 loader。使用這些 loader,你可以 `require` 任何 `.css``.html``.png` 檔。
There is this thing in webpack called a loader. Using these loaders, you can
`require` anything from `.css` and `.html` to `.png` files.

For example in the diagram above I had

// index.js

如果我在我的 webpack 設定檔中,引入 [style-loader]([css-loader](,這不是完全有效的,但是實際上還是會應用 CSS 到我的網頁。
If I include [the css-loader]( in my webpack config, this is not only perfectly valid, but also will actually apply the CSS to my page.

你可以在 webpack 使用多個 loader,這裡只是一個單一的例子。
This is just a single example of the many loaders you can use with webpack.
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions part1/example2/
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# 範例二 - 一個簡單的範例
# Example 2 - A minimal example

Say your directory structure looks like this:

Expand All @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ MyDirectory

然後這是一個非常簡易的 webpack 設定:
Then a very minimal webpack config you can make is this

// webpack.config.js
Expand All @@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ module.exports = {

Going over the new properties one by one:

* [entry]( - 這是你的 bundle 的進入點,這是我們在討論 [bundling](#bundling) 的部分。`entry` 是一個陣列,根據你的需求,webpack 允許可以有多個進入點,來產生多個 bundle 檔案。
* [entry]( - The entrypoint of your bundle, which we discussed in the [bundling](#bundling) section. It's an array because webpack allows multiple entry points if you want to generate multiple bundles.

* [output]( - 由 webpack 規定的形式輸出。
* [path]( - bundle 檔案位置。
* [filename]( - bundle 檔案名稱。
* [output]( - Dictates the form of the output by webpack
* [path]( - where to put the bundle
* [filename]( - what to call the bundle

當你執行 `webpack`,會在你的 dist 資料夾建立一個叫做 `bundle.js` 的檔案。
When you run `webpack`, this will create a file called `bundle.js` in the dist folder.
31 changes: 19 additions & 12 deletions part1/example3/
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# 範例三 - 介紹 Plugins
# Example 3 - Introducing Plugins

想像一下,你使用 webpack 將你的檔案 bundle 在一起,然後你意識到 bundle 後的結果是 900KB。這裡有個問題,但是你可以透過 minify 你的 bundle 檔案來做改善。如果需要做到這一點,你需要使用一個我在前面稍早提到的 [UglifyJsPlugin]( plugin。
Imagine that you've used webpack to bundle all your files together, and now you've realized that all
together it's 900KB. This is a problem that can be ameliorated by minifying your bundle. To do this
you need to use a plugin I mentioned earlier called the

此外,你需要在本機安裝 webpack 才能實際的去使用這個 plugin
Moreover you will need to have webpack installed locally to actually be able to use the plugin.

npm install --save-dev webpack

現在你可以 require webpack minify 你的程式碼。
Now you can require webpack and minify your code.

// webpack.config.js
Expand All @@ -29,18 +32,19 @@ module.exports = {
Going over the new properties one by one:

* plugins - 一個可以儲存你的 plugin 的陣列。
* [webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin]( - Minify 你的程式碼,並顯示警告訊息。
* plugins - An array that holds your plugins.
* [webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin]( - Minify your code, and suppress warning messages.

這個時候,當我們執行 `webpack``UglifyJsPlugin` 通過像是移除所有空白的處理,可以將你的檔案減少至 200KB。
This time, when you run `webpack`, now that you have the `UglifyJsPlugin` this could reduce your
imaginary 900KB file to 200KB by through processes such as removing all the whitespace.

你也可以加入 [OccurenceOrderPlugin](
You can also add the [OrderOccurencePlugin](

> 透過發生次數分配 module chunk 的 id。一些常用的 Id 取得較低(短)的 id。這使得 id 可以預測,透過推薦來減少檔案的大小。
> Assign the module and chunk ids by occurrence count. Ids that are used often get lower (shorter) ids. This make ids predictable, reduces to total file size and is recommended.
老實說,我不太確定底層的機制是如何工作的,但在目前包含 [webpack2 beta 的預設情況下](,所以我將它包含在內。
To be honest I'm not sure how the underlying mechanisms work, but in the current [webpack2 beta it's included by default]( so I include it as well.

// webpack.config.js
Expand All @@ -64,4 +68,7 @@ module.exports = {

所以現在我們寫了一個設定檔讓我們可以 minify 和 bundle 我們的 JavaScript。這個 bundle 檔案可以被複製並貼到其他的專案目錄中,放入 `<script>` 就可以使用。如果*只有 JavaScript*,而且你只在乎關於 webpack 基本的使用,你可以直接跳到[結論](#conclusion)
So now we have written a config that allows us to minify and bundle our javascript. This bundle
could be copied and pasted into another project's directory, and thrown into a `<script>` tag there.
You can skip to the [conclusion](#conclusion) if you only care about the basics of using webpack
with *only javascript*.
31 changes: 17 additions & 14 deletions part1/example4/
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@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
在稍早前面的教學中我提到了 [loaders](#loaders)。這些程式碼來幫助我們 require 非 JavaScript 的檔案。在這種情況下,我們將需要 `style-loader``css-loader`。首先我們需要安裝這些 loader:
Earlier in the tutorial I mentioned [loaders](#loaders). These will help us require non-js files in
our code. In this case, the only loader we will need is the css loader. First we need to install the loader:

npm install --save-dev style-loader css-loader

現在安裝完後,我們可以調整我們的 webpack 設定來引入 `css-loader`
Now that it's installed we can tweak our config to include the css loader:

// webpack.config.js
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,16 +33,18 @@ module.exports = {

Going over the new properties one by one:

* [module]( - 設定你的檔案選項。
* [loaders]( - 我們為應用程式所指定的一個 loader 陣列。
* test - 一個正規表達式來匹配 loader 的檔案。
* loaders - loader 用於這些匹配 test (正規表達式)的檔案。
* [module]( - Options affecting your files
* [loaders]( - An array of loaders that we specify for our application
* test - A regular expression to match the loader with a file
* loaders - Which loaders to use for files that match the test

這個時候你執行 `webpack`,如果你 `require` 的檔案結尾是 `.css`,然會我們會使用 `style``css` loader,將 CSS 加入到 bundle。
This time when you run `webpack`, if we `require` a file that ends in `.css`, then we will apply
the `style` and `css` loaders to it, which adds the CSS to the bundle.

如果我們沒有 loaders,我們會得到像是這樣的錯誤:
If we didn't have the loaders,
then we would get an error like this:

ERROR in ./test.css
Expand All @@ -50,13 +53,13 @@ Line 1: Unexpected token {
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.


如果你想要使用 SCSS 而不是 CSS 你需要執行:
If you want to use SCSS instead of CSS you would need to run:

npm install --save-dev sass-loader node-sass webpack

然後你的 loader 必須修改成:
and instead your loader would be written as

Expand All @@ -65,6 +68,6 @@ You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.

處理 LESS 也類似於這個方式。
The process is similar for LESS.

要知道這些需要被指定的 loader 是有*順序*的,這是一個很重要部分。在上面的範例,`sass` loader 是第一個應用在你的 `.scss` 檔案,然後是 `css` loader,最後是 `style` loader。你可以看到,這些 loader 的應用模式是由右到左。
An important aspect to recognize is that there is an *order* to which these loaders need to be specified. In the above example, the `sass` loader is first applied to your `.scss` files, then the `css` loader, and finally the `style` loader. As you can see, the pattern is that these loaders are applied from right to left.
40 changes: 25 additions & 15 deletions part1/example5/
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# 範例五 - 加入更多的 Plugin
# Example 5 - Adding More Plugins

Now that we have the infrastructure for styling our website we need an actual page to style.
We'll be doing this through the
which lets us generate an HTML page or use an existing one. We'll use an existing one `index.html`.

我們通過 [html-webpack-plugin]( 來做,它讓我們可以產生一個 HTML 頁面使用現有的。我們將使用一個目前現有的 `index.html`

首先我們需要安裝 plugin:
First we install the plugin:

npm install --save-dev html-webpack-plugin@2

然後在我們的 webpack 設定檔加入:
Then we can add it to our config

// webpack.config.js
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,9 +43,12 @@ module.exports = {

這個時候當你執行 `webpack`,因為我們指定一個 `HtmlWebpackPlugin``./src/index.html` 的 template,它會產生一個檔案叫做 `index.html` 在我們的 `dist` 資料夾,而網頁的內容是 `./src/index.html`
This time, when you run `webpack`, because we specified an `HtmlWebpackPlugin` with a template of
`./src/index.html`, it will generate a file called `index.html` in our `dist` folder with the
contents of `./src/index.html`

如果 `index.html` 作為 template 是空的也沒用。現在是個好時機我們可以填入一些元素進去。
There's no point in using `index.html` as a template if it's empty. Now would be a good time to
actually populate it.

Expand All @@ -60,9 +64,10 @@ module.exports = {

注意到我們沒有放入一個 `bundle.js``<script>` 標籤到我們的 HTML。實際上 plugin 會自動的幫你處理。如果你放入 script,到頭來你會載入兩次相同的程式碼。
Note that we aren't putting a `<script>` tag into our HTML for `bundle.js`. The plugin will actually
automatically do that for you. If you do put in the script tag, you'll end up loading your same code twice.

而讓我們加入一些基本的樣式在 `styles.css`
and while we're at it let's add some basic styling in `styles.css`

h1 {
Expand All @@ -86,16 +91,21 @@ button {

#### 備註
#### Side note

我覺得我應該提到 `html-webpack-plugin` 需要謹慎使用。對我來說,如果你真的只是簡單的啟用一個 SPA,webpack 應該只產生 HTML 檔案。這裡只需要一個 HTML 檔案,我不會推薦它來產生 12 個 HTML 檔案,當作一個學習經驗。這意思不是說你不能使用 html 檔案之類的,像是 angular 指令,只需要 HTML template 檔案。在這個情況下你可以做類似像是:
I feel like I should mention that the `html-webpack-plugin` should
be used sparingly. To me, webpack should generate HTML files if you just have a really simple
one to bootstrap a SPA. So while it was useful for the learning experience, which required only
one HTML file, I wouldn't recommend it to generate 12 HTML files. This doesn't mean you can't use
html files with something like angular directives, which require HTML template files. In that case
you could do something like:

// ...directive stuff
template: require('./templates/button.html') // 使用 raw loader
template: require('./templates/button.html') // using raw loader

Instead, it means that you should not be doing something like this:

new HtmlWebpackPlugin
Expand All @@ -108,4 +118,4 @@ new HtmlWebpackPlugin({

Anyone with other experience feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

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