This repository contains set of tools intended for testing and benchmarking navigational approaches in dynamic real robot scenarios. Our solution employs virtual obstacles and ray intersections to manpiulate the existing scan data from the robot to include the virtual obstacles, making it seem as though they also exist in the real world.
The laser_manipulation node depends on a source of virtual obstacles to be published under /simulated_agents in the pedsim_msgs::AgentStates format. We provide two different options as sources of obstacles:
- arena-tools scenario
- Pedsim simulation
Generic program call
roslaunch laser_manipulation start_arena.launch scenario_path:=[path] #Path to a specific scenario.json file needs to be given
The manipulation node assumes, that a working pedsims simulation is already launched and publishing obstacles information, so you need to make sure that pedsim is running before using this call.
roslaunch laser_manipulation start_pedsim.launch
Name | Default | Type | Description |
laser_scan_topic | scan | string | Name of the topic, on which the robot is publishing scan data |
output_topic | scan_manipulated | string | Topic under, which manipulated scan will be published |
radius | 0.1 | double | Defines the radius of each virtual obstacle model |
viz | true | bool | Whether visualization of obstacles should be published |