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There are 18 questions and answers about haskell, the functional programming language.

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Haskell some basic examples

There are some usefull functtion, 18 questions and its answers about haskell, the functional programming language.

  1. Return summation of three parameters. f1 2 5 7 = 14

  2. Return summation of three parameters. f1 2 5 7 = 14

  3. Given the name of the person, return "Hello name" where name is the name of the person. H should be capital and there should be a space there. f2 "Arda" = "Hello Arda"

  4. Calculate 2n using multiplication. f3 0 = 1, f3 5 = 32

  5. Calculate fibonacci series n. f4 0 = 0 and f4 1 = 1, f4 12 = 144

  6. Calculate combination n r. C(n,r)=n!r!(n−r)! f5 10 3 = 120

  7. Calculate permutation n r. P(n,r)=n!r! f6 10 3 = 604800

  8. Cylinder with radius and height. πr2h f7 5 20 = 1571

  9. A sphere with radius. 43πr3 f8 10 = 4189

  10. A pyramid with base and height 13b2h f9 10 6 = 200

  11. A cone with radius and height π13 r2h f10 5 9 = 236

  12. Find the length of the list. f11 [2, 3, 6, 7, 14] = 5

  13. Find the number of elements that are smaller than the element before it. f12 [2, 5, 3, 8, 4, 3] = 3

  14. Count the number of occurrences of the given value (number or text) in the list. f13 "Hello Ali" 'l' = 3

  15. Calculate subtract the sum of odd numbers from sum of even numbers in the list. f14 [2, 5, 3, 8, 4, 3] = 3

  16. Find the index of the maximum number. f15 [2, 5, 3, 8, 4, 3] = 3 Choose 2 of the following

  17. Create the list of all prime numbers. f17 = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11..] Chose 1 of the following

  18. Given two numbers calculate their greatest common divisor using Euclidean algorithm. f17 24 18 = 6

  19. Given a number calculate the locations of the ones when that number is represented in binary. f20 53 = [0, 2, 4, 5] (21 = 110101).

    l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
    f1 a b c = a + b + c
    f2 name = "Hello " ++ name
    f3 n = 2^n
    f4 0 = 0
    f4 1 = 1
    f4 x = f4 (x-1) + f4 (x-2)
    factorial 0 = 1
    factorial a = a * factorial (a - 1)
    f5 n r = factorial( n ) / ( factorial( r ) * factorial( n - r ) )
    f6  n r = factorial( n ) / factorial( r )
    f7 radius height =  pi * radius * radius * height
    f8 radius  = ( 4 / 3 ) * pi * radius * radius * radius
    f9 base height =  ( 1 / 3 ) * base * base * height
    f10 radius height = pi * ( 1 / 3 ) * radius * radius * height
    f11 :: [a] -> Integer
    f11 []     =  0
    f11 (x:xs) =  1 + f11 xs
    f12 :: Ord a => [a] -> Int
    f12 (x:xs) = f12' xs x 0
    f12' :: Ord a => [a] -> a -> Int -> Int
    f12' [] _ count = count
    f12' (x:xs) prev count = f12' xs x newcount
      where newcount = if x<prev then count+1 else count
    f13 :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Int
    f13 [] f = 0
    f13 ys f = length list
        where list = [list | list <- ys, list == f]
    f14 = y - x
    liste = [2, 5, 3, 8, 4, 3]
    tek = [ x | x <- liste, x `mod` 2 == 1]
    cift = [ y | y <- liste, y `mod` 2 == 0]
    x = sum$tek
    y = sum$cift
    f15 :: (Ord a) => [a] -> (a, Int)
    f15 l =
      let f15 :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Int -> (a, Int)
          f15 [x] xi = (x, xi)
          f15 (x:xs) xi
            | x > t     = (x, xi)
            | otherwise = (t, ti)
              (t, ti) = f15 xs (xi + 1)
      in f15 l 0
    f16 :: [Integer]
    f16 = 2: 3: chk (tail f17) [5,7..]
      chk (p:ps) xs = h ++ chk ps [x | x <- t, x `rem` p /= 0]
                      where (h,~(_:t)) = span (< p*p) xs
    f17 0 y = y
    f17 x y = f17 (y `mod` x) x
    fuc x y | x < 0     = fuc (-x) y
              | y < 0     = fuc x (-y)
              | y < x     = f17 y x
              | otherwise = f17 x y
    f18 :: Integral a => a -> [Int]
    f18 n = f18' n 0 []
    f18' :: Integral a => a -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
    f18' 0 _ acc = acc
    f18' n pos acc = f18' newN newPos newAcc
        newN = ( n `quot` 2 )
        newAcc = if odd n then (acc ++ [pos]) else acc
        newPos = 1+pos
     print $f0
     print(f1 2 5 7)
     print(f2 "Arda")
     print(f3 5,0)
     print(f4 12,1,0)
     print(f5 10 3)
     print(f6 10 3)
     print(f7 5 20)
     print(f8 10)
     print(f9 10 6)
     print(f10 5 9)
     print (f11 l)
     print (f12 l)
     print(f13 [1,3,1,3,3,3,2,3,4,3] 3)
     print(f13 "Hello Arda" 'l')
     print (f14)
     print(f15 l)
     print("f17 infinite ")
     print(f17 24 18)
     print(f18 53)


There are 18 questions and answers about haskell, the functional programming language.






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