The SQLiteBackup project
|-- - Readme file
|-- SQLiteBackup - SQLiteBackup project directory
| |-- SQLiteBackup.cpp - the main function where demonstrated functionality of the SQLite and FTPClient classes
| |-- SQLiteBackup.vcxproj - Visual Studio project file for the SQLiteBackup
| |-- SQLiteBackup.vcxproj.filters -
| |-- SQLiteBackup.vcxproj.user -
| `-- src - source files directory
| |-- FTPClient.cpp - implemetation of the FTP_client class
| |-- FTPClient.h - defination of the FTP_client class
| |-- SQLite.cpp - implemetation of the SQLite class
| |-- SQLite.h - defination of the SQLite class
| |-- WinSocket.cpp - implemetation of the Win_socket class
| |-- WinSocket.h - defination of the Win_socket class
| `-- sqlite - the sqlite3 API, downloaded from
| |-- shell.c -
| |-- sqlite3.c -
| |-- sqlite3.h - the sqlite3 header file
| `-- sqlite3ext.h -
|-- SQLiteBackup.sln - Visual Studio solution file for the SQLiteBackup
`-- SQLiteBackupTest - SQLiteBackupTest project directory
|-- SQLiteBackupTest.cpp - the main function where called the unit test suite for the SQLite and FTPClient classes
|-- SQLiteBackupTest.vcxproj - Visual Studio project file for the SQLiteBackupTest
|-- SQLiteBackupTest.vcxproj.user -
|-- TestFTPClient.cpp - implementation of the TestFTPClient class, and the test cases for the FTPClient
|-- TestFTPClient.h - defination of the TestFTPClient class for performing unit tests for the FTPClient functionality
|-- TestSQLite.cpp - implementation of the TestSQLite class, and the test cases for the SQLite
|-- TestSQLite.h - defination of the TestSQLite class for performing unit tests for the SQLite functionality
|-- packages.config - package configuration needed for the test environment, used gtest, version=1.7.0
`-- sqlite - the sqlite3 precompiled binaries, downloaded from
|-- sqlite3.def - module-definition file
|-- sqlite3.dll - dinamic link libruary for the sqlite3 API
`-- sqlite3.exe - sqlite3 executable file
- Visual Studio 2019
- C++14
- FTP server
- open the solution with Visual Studio
- build the solution
- execute
Used Google Test freamwork, version 1.7.0. To enable unit tests:
- open the solution with Visual Studio
- right click on the solution, open properties
- choose "Startup Project"
- choose "Multiple startup projects"
- change the state of the SQLiteBackup and SQLiteBackupTest projects to the "start"
- moove up the SQLiteBackupTest
- build the project
- execute
- ip:
- port: 21
- user: admin
- passwd: admin
The values can be changed in the SQLiteBackup.cpp and TestFTPClient.cpp