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Josh edited this page Jul 2, 2024 · 8 revisions

The Officers Plugin helps manage and maintain a healthy roster of a kingdom's officers. The system can help report and find vacancies along with make clear when an officers warrant ends or expires.

It also helps the members by building a resume of offices a member has held over time.

    officers_departments {
        datetime created 
        int created_by 
        datetime deleted 
        int id PK 
        datetime modified 
        int modified_by 
        varchar name UK 

    officers_officers {
        datetime approval_date 
        int approver_id 
        int branch_id FK 
        datetime created 
        int created_by 
        varchar deputy_description 
        datetime expires_on 
        int granted_member_role_id 
        int id PK 
        int member_id FK 
        datetime modified 
        int modified_by 
        int office_id FK 
        int reports_to_branch_id FK 
        int reports_to_office_id FK 
        varchar revoked_reason 
        int revoker_id 
        datetime start_on 
        varchar status 

    officers_offices {
        tinyint can_skip_report 
        datetime created 
        int created_by 
        datetime deleted 
        int department_id FK 
        int deputy_to_id FK 
        int grants_role_id FK 
        int id PK 
        tinyint kingdom_only 
        datetime modified 
        int modified_by 
        varchar name UK 
        tinyint only_one_per_branch 
        tinyint required_office 
        tinyint requires_warrant 
        int term_length 

    officers_offices }o--|| officers_departments : "department_id"
    officers_officers }o--|| branches : "branch_id"
    officers_officers }o--|| branches : "reports_to_branch_id"
    officers_officers }o--|| members : "member_id"
    officers_officers }o--|| officers_offices : "office_id"
    officers_officers }o--|| officers_offices : "reports_to_office_id"
    officers_offices }o--|| officers_offices : "deputy_to_id"
    officers_offices }o--|| roles : "grants_role_id"


  • Config / Departments
  • Config / Offices
  • Reports / Dept. Officer Roster

Details added to views

  • Branch: List of required offices and current officer (if there is one)

Tabs that show activity data

  • Member View: Offices Tab
  • Branch: Officers Tab

Other Integrations

  • No other integrations


image Departments are a used to group officers into logical groups.


  • Name: Required to be unique
  • List of Offices: List of Offices associated with the Department.


image Offices are the various jobs that need to be tracked and managed in a kingdom


  • Name: Name of the Office
  • Department: The department the office is associated to
  • Term: The default number of years an Office is expected to be held
  • Required: flag for if the office is required (shows up on branch details when required)
  • Skip Report: by default an officers report is the same office one level up in the branch hierarchy. Skip Reporting means that if there is not currently an officer assigned the report will skip until it finds an officer assigned or will use the kingdom office.
  • Warrant: Flag used for reporting if the office requires a warrant or not
  • One Per Branch: Flag to limit assigning more than 1 of these offices to each branch
  • Deputy To: who the office is a deputy to if they are a deputy.
  • Grants Role: The role a member is granted while they are active in the office.

Assigning an Officer


To assign an officer go to the Branch for which the officer will be volunteering and click the "Assign Officer Button". Once you have picked the office, look up the member and then set the start date. (An unset start date will start the officer today).

If the office is "One per Branch" the current office holder's end date will be set to the start date of the new officer.

Assigning a Deputy

image Deputies are the same as officers except a few extra fields are shown. First off a Deputy can have a description to help delineate their responsibilities. Deputies also have both start and end dates as many deputies are short run offices (like an Event Steward who's deputy responsibilities ends shortly after an event.)