A simple bot that has most of the functionality of SS13's Game -> IRC functionality, except for a Discord server instead.
- First you need to make yourself a Discord bot, and add it to your server. There's plenty of tutorials for doing such online, so I won't go into detail here.
- You need to replace the file ~/scripts/ircbot_message.py in your SS13 director with the file included in Byond Files.
- Edit the config.py file appropriately. Keep in mind the quotations and do not delete them. To get your channel IDs, enable Developer mode in Discord, and right click-> Copy ID
- Gameport is the port that you connect to to play the actual game.
- triggerString is the sting that the bot listens for
- Once config.py is set up properly, just run "AphroditeBot.py" and wait for "Bot is ready."
Note: This bot was originally developed to be run on the same machine that your SS13 server runs on. It may work for running on a different machine but I cannot be entirely sure.