This is a remake of the Block the Pig game in Rust. I played this game originally on the phone and, after many hours of playing with friends, found the optimal strategy (and achieved a high score of 198 rounds beaten). Having done that, I was interested in creating a clone of the game--and adding more features in the process--as well as an agent to solve the game algorithmically.
The representation of the game board, agnostic of the pig; it just stores the tiles on the
The representation of the state of the game, i.e. the pig and the
The WIP driver for the
The implementations of various board configurations (currently just the classic 11x5 board)
I want this project to eventually be a well-designed, easily-customizable game driver with which one can create basic and more complex Block the Pig variants, potentially with multiple pigs.
As well, I would like to implement various agents for solving the game (though I have yet to show that this is a solved game...)
Finally, I would like to persist some leaderboard rankings, and maybe even host this on my website (which is also WIP...)