This addon is a go-to solution for integrating HTML5 Geolocation API into your Ember.js web app. It is production-ready and backwards compatible.
ember install ember-cli-geo
gets user location from the browser and writes its coordinates to currentLocation
property on the service. Accepts geoOptions as an argument. Returns an Ember.RSVP.Promise which is either resolved with geoObject containing all data about user location or is rejected with reason which explains why geolocation failed.
It is used like this:
this.get('geolocation').getLocation().then(function(geoObject) {
// do anything with geoObject here
// you can also access currentLocation property and manipulate its data however you like
It corresponds to getCurrentPosition() in HTML5 Geolocation API. Learn more at getCurentPosition() on MDN.
It emits an event geolocationSuccess
with an object describing the geolocation when the position is available. If it fails, it emits an event geolocationFail
with a reason.
gets user location and setups a watcher which observes any changes occuring to user location. It then constantly updates currentLocation
with the most recent location coordinates.
It accepts geoOptions as an argument. Returns an Ember.RSVP.Promise which is either resolved with geoObject containing all data about user location or is rejected with reason which explains why geolocation failed.
It accepts an optional callback function, that is called whenever the position is updated.
It emits an event geolocationSuccess
with an object describing the geolocation whenever a new position is available. If it fails, it emits an event geolocationFail
with a reason.
It is used like this:
this.get('geolocation').trackLocation().then(function(geoObject) {
// do anything with geoObject here
// currentLocation is constantly updated if user location is changed
// or
this.get('geolocation').trackLocation(null, (geoObject) => { /* will be called with new positiond */ })
// or
const service = this.get('geolocation');
service.on('geolocationSuccess', (geoObject) => { { /* will be called with new position */);
It corresponds to watchPosition() in HTML5 Geolocation API. Learn more at watchPosition() on MDN.
stops the app from continuously updating the user location.
It accepts an optional boolean parameter that clears currentLocation
if it's true.
It is used like this:
It corresponds to watchPosition() in HTML5 Geolocation API. Learn more at clearWatch() on MDN.
is a property of geolocation service which stores the array of user location coordinates in the format of [lat, lon].
It is used like this:
is an object which contains all data about user location. Both getLocation()
and trackLocation()
promises are resolved with it. It looks like this:
coords: {
accuracy: 100,
altitude: 0,
altitudeAccuracy: 0,
heading: NaN,
latitude: 37.789,
longitude: -122.412,
speed: NaN
timestamp: 1435861233751
It corresponds to Position object in HTML5 Geolocation API. Learn more at Position object on MDN.
is an error object which contains data about why geolocation has failed. Both getLocation()
and trackLocation()
promises are rejected with it.
It corresponds to PositionError object in HTML5 Geolocation API. Learn more at PositionError object on MDN.
is an optional object that can be passed to both getLocation()
and trackLocation()
to customize geolocation query. If you didn't pass it to functions, then next defaults will be automatically passed:
enableHighAccuracy: false,
timeout: Infinity,
maximumAge: 0
It corresponds to PositionOptions object in HMTL5 Geolocation API. Learn more at PositionOptions object on MDN.
In order to use geolocation inside of your Ember.Route you should directly inject it to the one:
export default Ember.Route.extend({
geolocation: Ember.inject.service()
You need to implement a custom action which will call the geolocation service. In your route:
// app/routes/geolocator.js
export default Ember.Route.extend({
actions: {
getUserLocation: function() {
this.get('geolocation').getLocation().then(function(geoObject) {
var currentLocation = this.get('geolocation').get('currentLocation');
this.controllerFor('geolocator').set('userLocation', currentLocation);
In your controller:
// app/controllers/geolocator.js
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
userLocation: null
In your template:
// app/templates/geolocator.hbs
<button type="button" {{action 'getUserLocation'}}>Geolocate me!</button>
{{#if userLocation}}
ember test
ember test --server
ember build
For more information on using ember-cli, visit